Tornado Cries

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Sidney's P.O.V
Flawless. His perfect jaw. Perfect hair, perfect face. It's not fair. And the only thing that kept me in front of him was that I had a girlfriend and he didn't. Now he does, my own sister. Lauren is unbelievable. She's smart, gorgeous, and I know where that comes from. Me. But she also has talent, and she does this weird thing where when she's nervous she speaks in Spanish. Lauren is great and all, but I know that she's worth way more than Jonathan Toews. My mom always taught us to stay away from love. I always wanted to protect Lauren. I mean she has perfect hair, teeth, smile, body. I know there's so may men or boys who would throw themselves in front of her. When a boy came over and I told Lauren that mom was calling her, I got the info I need from him. He played soccer and he has known Lauren since third grade. I was okay with him. My mom  always warned us to stay away from man whore, like dad. Dad always took women and kidnapped them. Took them home, then it started with Lauren. Whenever she wore red or black. He somehow managed to sneak around and take her away. I care for Lauren even if I'm all the way in Pittsburg. If she hears someone knocking, scratching, whispering and calls me. I'm there in a minute. Dad lives in the south suburbs of Chicago, and Lauren lives in the northern part of Chicago around Wriggles Field. Or something like that. I don't even like the team I play for. We stink. I would take any other offer in a heartbeat. Blackhawks, Blues, Wild, Avalanche, Jackets, anywhere closer to Lauren. When Lauren told me about dad. I never looked at him the same, the father who kidnapped his own daughter. Since then, I've been extra protective over her. It's a big disadvantage being all the way in Pittsburg. The only good thing about being in Pittsburg is that I'm captain of the Penguins. Lauren can be described in three words. Beautiful. Intelligent. Athletic. I don't even want to start on how good she is at hockey. Cause once I start, I can't stop. Her back hand shot, well its better than mine. When she goes backwards it's better than I can skated forwards. When she hits the puck it goes in faster than a blink of an eye. Her skills are amazing. I remember, when she was 6, I pushed her and she broke something. I was 11 and all I said was, "be careful" or something like that. I felt horrible, she couldn't ice skate again till she was 9. But didn't dare get on skates again until she was 14 and didn't dare skate near me. When she was 16 our mom forced her to skate with me. She was so scared. She skated with me again when she was 16 and now every month we skate together. I love Lauren. And now that she's gone and she was wearing black and red. I'm nervous as hell. What if dad took her again. I bet he did. Or that neighbor that she told me, always coming to her door, paying half her rent. The last time I visit her place I looked at her bill and was because of her cooling. She must have been throwing water and freezing it to practice skating. Lauren looked so scared in that video, she was being forced to say that she was okay. Being forced to tell us not to look for her. I could tell she was in a car. With the squeak of the breaks. She already looked different, her eyes were filled with worry. Her calls for help. For me and Jon. We're in the same car. We haven't said one word to eachother. Not one single wo..
"So she's not at her apartment"
"Yep, or her neighbors"
"But her neighbor was not there"
"Next stop her work"
"Uh huh" we keep driving. Awkward.
"I'm scared"
"About what"
"What could happen to Lauren" and he sobs and breaks down into tears. Now I realize, I'm okay with him and Lauren. He cares about her, and so do I. I pat him on the back awkwardly. He turns the radio station to the news. The radio lady is telling a story when she is cut off.
"Breaking news, a young 23 year old was spotted with a man in a car and was headed towards Cellular Field.She was taken from the Chicago Blackhawks United Center not long ago" We look at each other and he does a u-turn and races the other way.
"In other breaking news there is a tornado warning. For the Chicago land area. There was 1 spotted in Springfield and the Chicago land area is in its path" we look at each other again and he sobs harder.i want to ask him why he's crying.
"Why you crying"
"Childhood experiences with tornado."
"Like what" he takes a deep breath.
"Me and my grandpa were driving when we heard the tornado sirens he turned to shelter and we got out of the car I ran and he took a while to get out the tornado blew his car and killed him" my mouth drops open. He could have been the one to die too.
"I'm sorry" is all I manage to come up with. We drive the whole way to Cellular Field in silence. Doooooo....doooooo! Dooooooooo! Oh fudge, the tornado siren, he cries harder. We go to a nearby shelter and pile in. I just wanted to find Lauren and go home, try to spend the least amount of time with him. But now, we're going to be stuck in a tornado shelter together. I don't like the sound of that. Together. Lauren always used it. Wanna go together, me and Lola are going together, all together, put it together. Together. T-O-G-E-T-H-E-R. Jonathan Toews and I. Ew.

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