Plane ride

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"Hey, wake up" I rub my eyes. Who the hell disturb me when I'm sleeping.
"We're at Chicago" I jump up. Already? I recently was visiting my aunt in Georgia.
"Thanks, for all I know I would've slept through four more trips back and forth." I say tiredly. I hear a deep laugh. I look up and meet with two perfect eyes. I stand up and let him go in front of me. We walk through the aisle. At one point he stops and I ram into his back.
"Ouch" that hurt, he must have some big muscles!
"You okay" he turns around.
"I'm fine" I look down. But then as I process his face my eyes dart back up. Omg it's "JONATHAN TOEWS" he laughs again. "It's about time you notice" I'm grinning ear to ear. How perfect! I'm wearing my Toews jersey!
"OMG I love you" I slap my hand over my mouth. He laughs again.
"You know, your funny"
"Your" I point at him, "Jonathan Toews!"
"So Ive heard" I am jumping up and down.
"Breathe Lauren, Breathe" I am literally calming myself down right now. How dumb is that.
"You said your name is Lauren" I jump, when he says my name he sounds soooooo cute!
"Si, te gusta, me gusto practicar deportes ¿y tú?" I slap my hand over my mouth. When I get super nervous I speak in Spanish. Once, I did a whole presentation, that counted as 50% of our grade, in Spanish. Luckily he understood how nervous I was, and Spanish so he gave me my real grade, an A. Boom! I look over at him and he's grinning.
"A mi también! Me no gusta leer ni trabajar ni....." He looks at me."y nada más, me gusta señorita gorgeous." I look up and he's smiling at me. I blush yet I still end up talking somehow. "Gracias señor!" I smile. "For some reason when I get nervous I tend to talk in Spanish."
"Interesting, imagine if you were a news broadcaster and you were so nervous, you started speaking in Spanish." He chuckles.
"Actually that's the one reason I eliminated that job from any future jobs I have in mind" he chuckles again. Keep this up Lauren and you and him are officially in the Un-stranger zone!
"Once in high school, I was doing a presentation that counted as half my grade, and I did the whole thing in Spanish." He laughs super hard and it is the most adorable thing ever!
"Wow, so I see your a fan" I blush.
"Yah, did you not see the episode where I was jumping up and down"
"I did, so what brings you hear to Chicago? Family, friend?"
"Actually I live in Lincoln Park"
"Whatcha doing in Atlanta"
"Visiting family"
"Cool" he starts walking again, and when we step off the plane. The light blinds me and I fall backwards onto the person behind me who falls also.
"Sorry, the sun is soooo bright!" I turn around and see..."PATRICK KANE"
"That would be me" I smile and get up and continue walking. When I try to see him again and turn around I fall on the ground. He reaches down and helps me up. I grab his hand and stand up. I'm not as nervous because I'm more of a Toews girl.
"Thanks" I brush the imaginary dust off my black leggings. He nods his head and walks off to the bag carrier. Wait, "WAIT" he swings back around. "Can I have a selfie and autograph and anything else you would do."
"Sure" he comes over and pulls out a sharpie from his pocket and signs my jersey. And takes a selfie.
"Can I take a selfie on your phone, so you always remember me" he smiles/smirks at me.
"Sure" he hands me his phone and we take a selfie.
"Let me just crop it, so you can't see that oldie in the background." He turns around and grabs his bag, but instead of cropping it I put my number in his phone, and take his.
"Here" and I rush off before he notices that the grandpa is still there. On my way to the baggage cart. I run into Toews.
"Hola, ¿qué si y número?" I feel my cheeks turning a dark red. But instead of humiliating me, he says something. "Uno, dos, dos, cuatro, dos, uno, seis,  cuatro, nueva, nueva, dos." He smiles, "¿que si números?"
"Hasta luego" and like that he's off. I'm to amazed to ask for an autograph. Or selfie. I just met, Patrick Kane, and JONATHAN TOEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!

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