At The Amusement Park

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Everyone is about to go back on the road for the tour. They're all leaving to Virginia, where Dréshia is. They're planning to see her when they arrive. Ariyana doesn't need to pack like everyone because she just came and didn't bother to unpack because they were leaving today, so she's helping Trevanté pack his things. Jawan and Ariyana's sister, Abigail are on the phone because he finished packing. Those two are making plans to see each other soon. Daniella is in Gennis & Tool's room to help Gennis pack since he only has one arm handy. Tool is packing his own things while talking to Danny. The MB boys are all packing their things. Diggy and Twist are finished packing and with Tyga, Keisha, Walter, Carter and Alex downstairs in the lobby, checking out.

In Trevanté & Jawan's room:

Jawan is texting Ariyana's sister, Abby.

Ariyana: Dang! He's really into my sister like that?

Trevanté: Yea, i guess hes into her *mummbles* and her goods...

Ariy: What?

Trevanté: Nothing *pecks her lips*

Ariy: Hope we have a lot of time to do that.

Trevanté stops packing and goes over to Ariy and holds her by the waist

Trevanté: Trust me i hope we get to do a lot more than a peck on the lip *licks his lips*

Ariy: Hmm what you thinking? *bites her lip*

Trevanté: Heres a sample *he kisses her for a long time*

Jawan: *looks up* Yuck, man! Cant yall go somewhere AWAY from civilization to do that?

Ariy: *breaks the kiss* I'm gonna talk to Danny.I'll see you later?

Trevante: *sighs* Yea, i guess :/

Ariy: Okay. Bye, bae *kisses his cheek and leaves*

As soon as Ariyana leaves..

Trevanté: WTF man?!

Jawan: What?

Trevanté: I was in the middle of something until your dumbass interupted

Jawan: Well exsqueeeze the fuck outta me {exsqueeze me from white chicks (: }

Trevanté: Whatever man. Why you even care since you talkin to your BOOOOOOO

Jawan: Yup! Me and my boo gonna be into it soon

Trevanté: You seriously thinkin about hookin' up with Abby?

Jawan: Hell yeah! Why not? Ariyana's pretty cute so im guessing Abby is too. PLUS this girl a lil freak. see *shows him a text*

Trevanté: Thats no freak. You just wanna get in her pants so bad you thinkin everything dirty.

Jawan: right. *laughs*

Trevanté: Look man. Thats Ariy's sister. Don't hurt her alright?

Jawan: I wont. I mean i wanna tap that but she seems like a keeper too.

Trevanté: Then keep her.

Jawan goes into thoughts.

Daniella & Ariyana's room:

Ariy walks in and see's no one so she goes to Gennis and Tool's room to see if Danny's in there.

Gennis &Tool's room:

Ariy: Hey!

Gennis &Tool: Hey!

Danny: Hey, wassup?

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