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The past 5 weeks have felt kinda strange. No I'm not talking about Tails pestering me for what I did to Amy. Amy? Amy? What a minute. Now I remember. I haven't seen Amy for, at least three days. Can I say "Hallelujah!" No? Okay nevermind. Let me start from the beginning. A couple weeks backed marked the offical first day that Amy has not been seen. But after that day, something happened. I thought everything would be normal the next day, but it wasn't. Amy never showed up. I waited and waited, thinking that she was playing some game with me. That is, until I finally got worried and checked her house. The moment I went up to the door, I stopped. There was no need to ring the doorbell.

The door was already open. I slightly opened the door a little wider. It made an eerie creaking sound. I looked around. Evrything looked like it was in the right place. "Amy?" I walked inside quietly, just in case she was hiding behind something and jumped out. I looked everywhere. She wasn't in the basement, the attic, the kitchen, definantly not the loving room. Where have I not looked? Oh. Her room. I sighed and made my way upstairs. Im ade my way down the hallway, until I stopped infront of her door. "Okay Sonic," I muttered to myself. I sighed. "You can do this. Just remember, you are the fastest thing alive. If some tiny pink hedgehog can scare you, then why even bother trying to run." I took a deep breath and opened the door.

I closed my eyes and waited for Amy to jump out and yell my name and embrace me in a really tight hug. Nothing. I opened my eyes and let out a sigh of relief. Okay. Time to start snooping. I lookedundre the bed, in her bathroom, in her closet, basically everywhere. I found nothing, considering it was a tiny room after all. As I made my way out, I bumped into Amy's little dresser. I stopped at the sound of glass breaking. I turned around and saw a picture on the ground, glass everywhere. "Dammit," I muttered. I picked up the broken picture frame. I looked at the picture before setting it down there was a blue hedgehog and a pink hedgehog. Both looked like there were still elemetary kids. The blue hegdehog held a guitar and sang to the pink hedgehog. The pink hedghog was blushing. This picture was taken back 5 years ago.

I should know. That blue hedgehog is me. I put the picture back where it belonged. As I sat the picture frame down, a little piece of paper fell out. Strange? Amy never put little notes in her picture frames. I picked up the piece of paper. On the front it read "To Sonic." I could tell this handwriting was not Amy's I opened the paper. To my horror, the paper read," Dear Sonic, You are probably wondering where Amy is. Do not worry. I have her in my safe keeping. Until you realise how much you need her, we will be traviling to the far side of the planet. But I have a secret. Amy doesn't know that I have pressumably taken her as a hostage. If you want to come stop me, it would be wise to travel all the far side of the planet, since my machines can bring us there faster than you. Best wishes to you!!!! 😆 Sincerely, Eggman. P.S.- Amy chose to come with me, so don't get any funny ideas."

I couldn't believe what I was reading. I was furrious. I quickly rushed out of Amy's house and ran straight for Tail's house. Now I may not be faster than Eggman's machines, of as smart as Tails, but one thing I was sure about. I had to find Amy and fast.

DONE!!!!! Now I will work on the next part. And the next. And the next and the next. All of the parts, including this part until I come back on December 29. *I will not post this and any other parts until December 28. A.K.A my birthday!!!!!😆😆😆😆* thank you all so much cor being patient and waiting. I know I haven't been the best publisher so far, but with a little hope, I can get there. Again, thank you all for waiting this long. Next part is after this. Stay classy bros and gals.


P.S.- *means teminder cause I forget stuff. Don't pay attention to that!!!!😁

Sonamy Lost and FoundWhere stories live. Discover now