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Sonic and Amy were gazing through the beautiful meadow atop the city of Mobious. Sonic was chasing after Amy while she ran away from him, giggling and shouting. Sonic was going slower than his usual speed. Amy wasn't as fast as he was, but he wanted to be fair to her. Sonic finally got bored. He used his full speed to swoop up Amy in his arms. She giggled and screamed. "Whoooooooohhhooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!" Sonic laughed at Amy's cute little cry of joy. Sonic had never been more happy in his life when he was with Amy. Sonic stared at Amy, not paying attention to where he was going.

"Sonic! Look out!" Sonic snapped out of his trance. "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!" Sonic tried to skid to a stop. It wasn't working. He looked ahead. They were heading right for a tree. Sonic had no choice. He threw Amy towards a pair of bushes. She landed safely. Amy groaned. She was rubbing her head in pain, until she heard a crash. She gasped. Amy struggled to get out. When she finally managed to get untangled, she frantically looked for Sonic. "Sonic," Amy yelled. She waited. No answer. "Soooonnniiicccccc!!!!!!!!!" "Ow! Stop shouting!" Amy looked behind her. She smiled. Sonic had been behind her for who knows how long. "Sonic!" She ran up to him and wrapped him in a hug.

"Oh my gosh. You really scared me. I thought you were gone." Amy started to sniffle. "Amy look at me." Amy looked up at Sonic's face. "I promise, with all my heart, that I will never ever leave you no matter what the cost. And if i ever get lost, I promise that I will search the world from sea to sea. I promise. And this will prove it." Sonic knelt down on one knee and held a white rose in his hand. Amy gasped. "Sonic," Amy began. "Amelia Rose, I promise that I will never ever leave you. You are all that I need, because I love you." Amy was so shocked. She thought that she would never hear those words from Sonic. She started to cry. "Okay," she said. Sonic smiled. "I love you Sonic." "And I love you Amelia," Sonic said. They both watched as the sun began to set. They were both happy, for tomorrow, they would start a new beginning.


Wassup bros and gals. Here is the new story I'm going to start. Funny thing is, I was inspired to do this by a Disney song. How ironic is that huh? Anyway I was watching Bolt with my little cousin and her baby brother, god they are both so cute, and when the movie ended, the song 'I Thought I Lost You' came on and I was all like,"Hey! What if Sonic made a promise to Amy that they would always be together and all that, then one day, Amy disappears and he try's to find Amy, but she never went missing! Man that would be one hella story dare' now!" Hahaha!!! I crack myself up 😂. So now here is the first part. Hope you guys enjoy. Part 9 of The Story of Sonamy is coming real soon. Stay classy bros and gals!!!! I'm out!!!!!!! 😉

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