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That cheeky little bastard! 

Louis was pacing back and forth behind a stack of equipment. 

"You're cute."

"You want to hang out sometime?"

Louis groaned and flung his arms around in frustration. He didn't even bother to answer the question, he just flew away. His 'heart' couldn't handle it. 

He doesn't even know if he's got a heart.

That fucking smirk! It looked as though he didn't even want to get to know Louis, only to fuck around with him. Louis wanted so much more with the gorgeous pop star. 

His hopes, his dreams! 

He's being really over dramatic, and is probably over thinking the whole situation. Louis does that a lot.

Louis sunk down to the floor with a large sigh, sitting cross legged. He wished he could talk to someone about his problems, but oh the benefits of being unseen. 

Should he go back to Harry? He checked the time, an hour since he flew away. Maybe he should. He was really rude, he should at least answer the question. 

Louis sighed again and stood. He hovered a couple inches from the ground and slowly made his way back to where he left Harry. 

Harry was just where he left him, only sitting cross legged on the floor, his chin in his palm and a pout on his lips. Louis internally cooed at how cute he looked.

"I'm sorry," he started quietly, Harry's head shoots up at the sound. "For flying away, that was rude." Louis looked down and picked at his fingers. 

Harry scrambled to his feet, dusting off the non existent dust particles from his jeans. 

"And um, yes, I guess. We could hang out." Louis said, not wanting the question to still go unanswered. 

Harry beamed so hard Louis was scared his face would split in two. 

"Great! I'm not doing anything now so let's go back to my hotel room and we can chill." Harry said, a little too excitedly.

Louis' face flushed tomato red. He was going to Harry's hotel room! 

Okay Louis, stay calm! This is happening and we can't screw it up! Louis' internal voice shouted at him.

Louis nodded, to himself and to Harry. Louis isn't sure how he did it, but Harry's grin grew wider. Louis couldn't help but chuckle at the boy's enthusiasm.

Harry motioned him to follow and they made their way to one of the many cars in the garage near the tour busses. They stopped at a black range rover.

"Hop in," Harry said excitedly. "I'm gonna text the boys to tell them I'm heading back."

Louis nodded and maked his way inside, getting himself situated and buckling his seat belt. Then he thought, What the hell do I need a seatbelt for?

He chuckled to himself when Harry entered the car.

"What's funny?" 

"I fastened my seatbelt, and I don't even think I need one." Louis continued to giggle.

Harry just shook his head in amusement before fastening his own seatbelt and starting the car. They pulled out of the arena and sped off to the hotel.

Not fifteen minutes later they pulled into the underground carpark of the hotel and park. They both hopped out of the car and Harry lead the way up to the hotel room.

"So, um, what would you like to do?" Harry asked as he slides the hotel key into the door. 

As the door opens Louis peered over Harry's shoulder, looking into the disorganized room. He swiftly moved past Harry and looked around the room, deciding that it suits Harry. The way his things hung out of his suitcase in the corner of the room, how the bed sheets were messed up and pillows tossed around, along with various papers lying around and his journal that sat on the bedside table. Louis looked back to Harry with a small smile. 

"How 'bout we put on a movie and talk?" He suggested.

"Yeah, I'll get my laptop. We can find one on Netflix." Harry hurried himself over to the bed, finding his laptop nestled under one of the sheets. He took off his shoes and sits against the headboard then pats the spot next to him. 

Louis kicked off his shoes and hurled himself into the soft sheets next to Harry. Unfortunately in the process, he slid forward too much and his head hit the headboard. Harry let out a startling cackle, while Louis grumbled curse words and rubs his head. 

"It's not funny." Louis pouted.

Harry chuckled, "Sorry love."

Harry opened up Netflix and began scrolling through, "Any idea of what we should watch?" 

Louis shrugged his shoulders in indifference, he really only cared about knowing more about Harry. Harry settled on a show instead, 'Friends'. They could watch multiple episodes, marathon.

"Oh Friends! I like this one, I've only seen a couple episodes though." Louis said.

Score for Harry.

Harry set the laptop in between them and laid on his side. "Good, figured it was easier than looking for a movie." 

Louis grinned and snuggled into the pillow he latched onto. Harry grinned back. 

"So Louis, where you from?" Harry asked.

"Don't know, I guess you could say Doncaster cause that's where I was when I first woke up." 

"Woke up?"

"Yeah, I don't really know what happened, I was just sort of there?"

Harry scrunched his face in confusion, "When was this?" 

"1887." Louis said as if it was nothing.

Harry's eyes widened in shock. "What!? As in the 19th century 1887?"

Louis nodded, "Yeah, I'm really old." He laughed.

"O-kay. So what are you exactly?" 

Louis shrugged, "Not a ghost, that's for sure." He scoffed. "I could't find anything that proved I was dead, nor did I remember anything before I woke up. Doesn't bother me."

Harry hummed in understanding.

"What's your favorite thing to do?" Louis asked. There wasn't any point in asking basic facts when he knows them. That sounded stalker-ish. Oh well.

"I like writing music, and relaxing." Harry replied. "You probably know where I'm from and stuff don't you? You seem like a fan." Harry smirked.

Great he's caught. Louis smiled sheepishly. "I've kind of beenfollowingyouaroundsincetheXFactor" 

Harry laughed loudly at that, "Why haven't I seen you before then?" 

"I'm really good at avoiding people?" It was meant to be a statement, but Louis' embarrassed. In his embarrassment he shoved his reddening face farther into the pillow. He heard Harry's laughs die down and Monica and Phoebe's voices become louder from the laptop. 

"Aw love, don't be embarrassed. It's unfortunate we haven't met until now though, we would've gotten along splendid back then as well." Harry said gently. 

Much of the night continued on like that. Random questions here an there in between Friends episodes, and shared laughs and giggles. Louis laughed loudly at Harry's stupid jokes and Harry beamed proudly because no one laughs at his jokes. 

Eventually they both fell asleep cuddled into their pillows with Harry's laptop still running episodes of Friends. 

Louis didn't even know he could fall asleep.

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