Chapter 3

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Hi guys

Every 3rd chapter there will be a short summarry of what we have read so far

Nick is talking to the 2 ladies in the office who is his new directors who doesn't want him to mentor the new cast of Skins so there was a big fight and stuff which has some swearing so yeah. GiGi is sill stuck in the elevator and was just encountered by a rat. Mitch Hewer (who plays Maxxie Oliver in Skins) is gonna go save her and probably fall in love with her and stuff. i did not wanna give to much but that is what the chapter is gonna be about. Enjoy and this is a good chappy fir Taxxie (Nicth) shippers

Chapter 4 Nick's POV the 2 ladies sat in a desk in front of me. "Hello." I said , trying bit to be scared. After all, I am an adult. "Hello. I am Mrs. Dana Ross." The brunette lady said. "And this is my assistant, Ms. Selena Martino." "Hello." The pretty Hispanic had an accent I just adored. She had pretty brown eyes. No. No. I thought to myself. I looked Gianna. My possible girlfriend who may not be mad that I left her inside the elevator. But man, Selena was so pretty.

I put my head down and just kept smiling at her (pic shown in cover). Selena stood up and paced around the room. "Mr. Hoult, we decided that we do not need you to mentor our new generation. We have heard a lot of, disturbing things about you." I stopped smiling. "Ms. Martino, I know that I got fired but please I really looked......" "Nicholas we have many other cast members. Luke, Mike, Hannah,Kaya, Joe, Mitch, April, that is all that we need. Plus, season 8 has a massive amount of good people who doesn't not want to follow...."

Selena sat down and said "Mrs. Ross, maybe I was thinking that we may be..." "To harsh? Martino I will fire your ass. Plus, he has X Men to work on. I just don't think that he is good material." I can't believe what I am hearing. I got mad. And I have some anger issues. " the F.CKING HELL I AM PERFECT for the job." I swore as I stood up ad yelled at Mrs. Ross " I wanna see your lazy a%% work hard with a bunch of children. Okay I got f.cking fired just give me a chance. And where is Bryan and Jamie. Our REAL ..."

"Maybe he has a point." Selena mumbled. Unfortunately, it was kind of loud. I sat down and crossed my arms. Yes, I was being stubborn but I won't let anyone talk about me in my face right that." " this kid, maybe be drinking too much volka. Or maybe those cigarettes rotten his brain. I have no idea what you are talking about Mr.Hoult. We are the directors and we can say anything we F.CKING. Want. Yes I said. Fuck it, get out of m office!"

She spat on me." "F.cking yes I WILL." I stood up and kicked my seat, which knocked a plant down. I walked the out of that hellhole. But then I saw very one looked at me. The newbies, my old cast. I made a big scene. I saw April rolled her eyes.

"Whatever." I walked out of the room but I heard a voice " what the hell is wrong with you why do you do that." And I knew it was Mike. " you are acting like Tony. Well, before he got hit by the bus" "Tony. Really? I was acing like TONY? I hope you get hit by a bus. ALRIGHT MATE?"Well I slammed that door and walked out of here. I heard a small voice that said "okay." That was probably Hannah. As I walked I saw Micth on the phone.

"Alright. Alright, okay. Uh- Alright okay. Alright. Alright okay." "Micth." "Bye mum." He hung up and started to text. I sighed. "Yo Mitchellmore, did you call matinee? I asked. "Yep. They are on their way to save...." His phone in his pocket. " GiGi." I slipped down against the elevator. I did not really are that I could of got hurt.

"Nick." I ignored him." "Nick. Nick. Nick." He started to smile." "Leave me alone Maxxie." I stated to smile because I called him by his skins name. "Tone. Tone. Tony." He sat down next to me. I turned around and looked at him. He did the same and we just looked into each others eyes. Micth is a rally good kid. I really liked him. Just then my phone ringed. It was from Mitch 😜

I opened it while Mitch looked it said "mate give me a pizza I am hungry" I smiled an looked at Mitch's playful grin. I couldn't help to laugh. "Okay mate." I stood up." " Nicki pick me up." Mitch smiled at me." "Lazy ass." I smiled as I held his hands and helped him pick him up."

"I better wait for your little friend. Gets some pizza." "Alright. Alright okay." I smirked. As I took the stairs to got to the near yes pizza shop. Though I felt I was miss someone. GiGi. It okay nick he will be safe. Just get Micth pizza and everything will be okay.

A/N: ok guys this my be a bit f an confusing chapter so let me explain to you u

Mitch is gonna save GiGi (and they would fall madly in love)

April is sad

Nick can't mentor the news Skins generation and we went to get pizza

Gianna is still stuck on the elevator


Please like, comment, vote, anything so here is GiGi's POV


Gigi's POV (sorry this was short my iPod was gonna die)

"Alright...... Okay......alright okay u🍍😒." I was talking to my older sister on my cell phone. Her name was Miranda.

"So you want me to get dad to go to helps you." She said.


-click- she hung up

I can't depend on ANYONE. I sat down and listened to music.

In the middle of "The Popular Song",

My IPod died.

"Seriously. " I threw it across the room- uh I am elevator and it hit the rat, who seems to be sleeping.

And I disturbed his beauty sleep.

Before I even call for help, the rat lunged at me at that was all I saw until the world ended with a dizzy feeling.



When I woke up all I saw was

1) Nicholas sitting next to me texting

2) a cute blonde eating pizza

3) the doctor, who is staring at the hot blonde's pizza

"Um, where am I." I asked the hit blonde who was looking at me.

"Hospital love. You have a little bump on your head." Nick stood up and kissed the bump.

"That seems quite odd, miss Livingston, that you had a rat bite in an elevator. "

"What I wanna know is," The blonde said in between bites, "is how the fuck did a rat get on an elevator."

"Maybe your little girl friend had to do something about it." I looked at Nick annoyed.

"You're ok, right?" Blondie said as the doctor went to get a big vaccine needle out of his bag.

"Yeah." I said as I looked into Blondie's eyes. "Hold my hand." I said as the doctor unexpectedly lunged a needle in my forehead while Nick was yawning.

"Ok Miss. Livingston, you may leave. Please try to not drink a lot or stay up late". the doctor left.

"Gianna, I'm not hungry." Nick said as he went to text on his phone again.

"Who are you texting?" I said as I peered at his ugly Blackberry.

"My mum. Telling her the news. Mitch could tell you." He said busily.

"Are you on.... Who's Mitch??" I asked the blonde.

"Nick got kicked out of Skins and he can't mentor...."

"THE AUDITION!" I gotta go. I grabbed the blonde and left while Nick was running after yelling "Gianna!"

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