Chapter Nine - The Memory

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Chapter Nine - The Memory

11 Years Ago

"Kyra! Kyra, come on! Where are you?" a young boys voice called out

A small girl looked up from her doll and looked all around for her brother, he had left her out of the game again so she ran off. She was sitting on the forest floor, her parents were in a work meeting and her brother was supposed to be looking out for her. She stood up and started running away, and for a five year old she ran quite fast. She dodged tress and rocks, making sure that she got away from her mean brother. She hated being left out when all the kids were over and her brother would tell her she was too little to play their game, so each time she would hide in the forest and play with her dolls.

She saw a tree house not too far away and hid behind a tree as a young boy came near her, he stopped and looked over at her, she looked at him and stared at him. He came over to her and smiled a big warm smile, he got close to the tree and then Kyra hid behind it, he followed her till he finally caught up with her.

"Hi" he beamed brightly.

"Hi..." was the shy reply.

"I'm Harley!"

He held a hand out towards her in hopes of getting a feel of her hand in his but she moved away slightly so he put his arm down, smile never dulling.


"Kyra? Do you want to play over there?" Harley turned to point and at that point the girl ran.

She didn't look back but kept running back the way she came, she felt like she didn't need to run away but her parents were always telling her not to talk to strangers and she did so every bad thought of being in trouble grabbed her by the clutches; telling her to run. The boys bright blue eyes were the last thing the girl thought of, how they reminded her of the one time her parents took her to the beach for her birthday.

"No!" she cried when someone grabbed her.

She struggled and crawled around as the person placed her on the ground, still being held by whoever was holding her, she was scared and started crying.

"Bray Bray!" she screamed as she was turned to face the old woman.

"Shh! Child, it's alright I just need to test something" the older woman cooed.

A young Kyra knew not to let some lady touch her, she was very scared of this woman and she kept struggling and screaming, "Bray Bray!"

Some rustling in the far distance caused the woman to scowl, she was running out of time, this young girl was being a pain but she had dealt with worse.

"Oh shush you" she scolded causing tears to well in the girls eyes.

The older woman quickly grabbed out some sort of powder and sprinkled it around the child, avoiding her own skin and the girls. After it was sprinkled she chanted a few words and the powder started glowing, more so a faded glow and then would get brighter, the older woman grinned. She placed a small amount on the girls forehead and chanted again, but for longer and louder, the woman's eyes held an evil glint as the girls eyes started dropping closed. Once her eyes fully closed a bright light hovered above her, the older woman pulled out a locket and trapped the light in there, the older woman made the girl trip over in her sleepless state; she heard some more rustling but ignored it.

"The Moon Goddess got it wrong when she picked Anastasia and Hadrian the true King and Queen as the special ones, but now I know that she didn't at all, in fact that stubborn woman side tracked me. I have you now though and that poor little boy won't be able to have you otherwise I will never be able to take my power back mutt! Just remember little girl, depending on others is as foolish as jumping off a cliff" the old woman scowled.

She heard rustling, much closer this time, and ran away for a very long time until she could return and claim her power. Not realising as she fled that she had dropped the one thing that she had tried to claim, leaving it near the young girls unconscious body.

Brayden came out of the bushes and saw his little sister on the ground, she had a small cut on her knee and seemed to be knocked out. Brayden ran over to her and picked her up, he grabbed the locket near her and placed it over her neck.

"Sorry I made you drop it" he whispered as she started stirring.

He took her back to the house and had the pack doctor take care of her, he told her that she had ran off and he found her the way he did. She woke up and said she had a headache and went up to her room, she put the locket away and went to sleep, only remembering that she ran from her brother and tripped over. She was checked over and told that only a small bruise would be evidence of the events that happened, their parents were not told just to keep the little ones out of trouble.

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