Chapter Eight - Mate

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Chapter Eight - Mate

Present Day

Rolling over I was half awake when I realised there was no more bed, too late. I fell to the floor in a heap and gathered up enough strength to actually look up at the clock. 9:43, wow that's early for me anyway. I untangled myself from the sheets and the dream from last night came rushing back to me, Harley. I ran over to my backpack which had all my trinkets I felt like bringing and found what I was looking for.

"Aha!" I shouted, wincing I looked around then sat on the floor.

The necklace was the same as before, silver and locked but that's what made my breath hitch. It's locked like only another can open it, so maybe if I can manage to unlock it then hopefully I can get all the answers I need. Walking into the bathroom I placed the necklace on the sink and proceeded with getting ready for today. After my lovely shower and getting dressed I placed the necklace on and slid down the railing of the stairs like I used to do all the time. I grabbed a piece of bread and then ran to the library, I found the table from yesterday and saw the two workaholics still there but with even more paper then before.

"Hey guys so what have you found so far" I asked sitting in a chair, I was hoping I didn't have to do much because there were some things I wanted to do.

"Well we have narrowed it down to thirty seven different wizards and witches, and now we are going over very detailed descriptions of things they have covered up." Angel replied not even looking up from her paper.

"Yeah we could use some help" Blake said pushing paper at me.

I finished my bread and groaned, well my little thing I had to do will have to wait. I looked over my sheets of paper a few times before I decided to actually do some work.

We sat for hours again going over these people I had eighteen to look over and so far I have gotten through three, some of these people had very long and descriptive things they have hid. I reread the name at the top of the sheet and then sighed, Kale Height. He had been doing deals for more power and boring stuff like that but he doesn't have near enough to perform that type of spell, Angel told me. Apparently power meant a lot to them, the more power the more complex spells you can perform.

I am finally giving up on this; I should be focusing on my other situation.

I want to see the name. Sera whined for the millionth time in this second.

You see all these hours I could have almost finished but no she decided to side track me for as long as she could, and now I just can't focus on this work.

Seriously, so do I but I need more information before I just read it.

Why? I mean all we need is his name, if it is a he, and then he can find us.

No! I want to be alone ok! Just give me some time to have a look at the necklace and study it then we will, promise. I argued.

With that she didn't respond and I got a hum of agreement, I refocused on the paper in front of me and just threw it down. I can't do this right now; my mind is in way to many other places. Not just my own problem but the wedding is in three nights, just three nights I have to still put my revenge into action. Oh crap and I also have to try the dress on and go to the rehearsal tomorrow night. I shook my head and looked over at Angel who was giving me a tired look.

"Look I need a break and you guys need to rest ok, so let's just leave this for a while and come back when we are refreshed" I said with finality.

"I will take these to my room, you rest and... you go do what you wanted" Blake said this whilst pointing to us each.

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