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1)      Name: Tanya

Sex: female

Age: 16

Mate: Stephen

Species: human

Pet: Popcorn (dog)

Rank: none

Power: none

Friends: everyone

Siblings: none

Description: in the book

Likes: animals, reading, writing, friends

Hates: gangs, violence, guns, knives

Personality: kind to everyone, afraid of guns

Info: I get kidnapped by Stephen after he gets me pregnant

2)      Name: Stephen

Sex: male

Age: 18

Mate: Tanya

Species: human

Pet: Twister (dog)                                                          

Rank: none

Power: none

Friends: everyone

Siblings: none

Description: in the book

Likes: guns, knives, murder, violence

Hates: other gangs

Personality: tough on gangs, sweet to females

Info: I kidnap Tanya after I get her pregnant

3)      Name: Emma

Sex: female

Age: 16

Mate: none

Species: human

Pet: none

Rank: none

Power: none

Friends: everyone

Siblings: none

Description: in the book

Likes: animals, reading

Hates: gangs

Personality: kind to everyone

Info: I am Tanya’s best friend

4)      Name: Twister

Sex: male

Age: unknown

Mate: Popcorn

Species: Doberman pinscher

Pet: none

Rank: none

Power: none

Friends: everyone

Siblings: none

Description: in the book

Likes: protecting his master and his girl, food

Hates: none

Personality: kind to everyone

Info: I am Stephen’s dog

5)      Name: Popcorn

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