Chapter Eight

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A month has passed since Mitch was welcomed into the Pack. He adapted so well and opened up...a little bit. He still kept to himself, but he is definitely happier. Today is his first day of learning about grammar and learning how to write. He is personally excited and can't wait to see Alyssa, who agreed to be his teacher! Little did he know, he knew her.


"Alyssa," Kevin greeted as he opened the door. She smiled as kissed Kevin's cheek lovingly. "I'm so happy you're his teacher."

"I'm happy too," she replied. She went to the kitchen and sat her stuff down. She sighed heavily as she sat down in one of the chairs and smiled when Kevin sat down next to her and took her hand. "Is he nice?"

"Sweetest thing ever," Kevin responded. They kiss quickly and put their foreheads together. "I am so happy that you can help."

"Me too."


Scott smiled when he saw Mitch try to catch a butterfly. The Omega let out a giggle when the butterfly landed on his nose. He let out an adorable sound of disappointment when the butterfly flew away, but he continued trying to catch the beautiful creature. Avi and Kirstin watched too, looking at Scott. He hasn't looked this happy in a long time.

"I forgot the last time you looked at someone like that," Kirstin commented. Scott looked at her and shrugged his shoulders. "You haven't looked at someone like that since Al-."

"Don't say his name, please," Scott commanded quietly, closing his eyes to fight off the tears. Avi and Kirstin shared a sad look as their hearts get heavy. "I'm happier now. You guys know that I'm not ready for another Mate. Also, he just came into our pack a month ago so I don't even know him that well. Even if I did, I need to focus on the Pack."

"We get that, Scott," Avi pointed out, sighing when the blond turned back to watch the Omega sit down and tried to make flower crowns from the white flowers in the grass. "You do need to focus on the Pack, but get this; you can't marry a Pack."

"This has nothing to do about marriage," Scott fought back; however, deep down inside, he knew it was all about marriage. He was about to get married, but all of that was taken away from him in an instant. "We need to go. Alyssa's probably there. Mitchy, it's time to go."

"Okay," Mitch responded, finishing the flower crown. He got up and went to Scott and stood up on his tippy toes, putting the crown on the blond's head. "For my Prince Erik."

Scott laughed to himself, feeling his heart soar at compliment. He watched as Mitch put on the flower crown and laughed when the crown fell over Mitch's eye. The Omega laughed as he adjusted it and blushed when he noticed Scott staring at him intently.

"Let's go, my Princess Ariel."


Alyssa took out the books she was ready to use when Mitch came. For some reason, the twenty four remembered that name from somewhere. Where though? Even if she did, she was young when he learned of the name. She was in the orphanage until she was fifteen. Thirty minutes before she got adopted, she became friends with a small ten year old. She then left, promising to write him letters. Her adopted family found out about him and told her that she could not write letters to him because of 'privacy reasons.

She shook her head and looked up when she heard the door open. She smiled when she saw Avi, Kirstin, and Scott. They all smiles at her and whine Mitch came in, her smile dropped. Not in a bad way though.

When Mitch walked in, he almost gasped at his teacher. They walked up to each other, remembering each other in a less than a minute.




The duo worked well each other and worked non-stop in the work Alyssa had prepared for Mitch. Scott looked at how hard Mitch was working and smirked when he saw Mitch sticking out his tongue. Alyssa looked over the Omega's shoulder and smiled when she saw that Mitch was done writing his ABCs almost perfectly.

"You're so good, Mitch," the Beta exclaimed, clapping her hands. Mitch blushed as he murmured a thank you. "How has your life been?"

"Better," Mitch answered. He sighed sadly as he played with his fingers. "I was in the orphanage until last month."

"Oh, my," Alyssa gasped. The Pack all nodded sadly at her reaction. "I thought you left after I left. Nine years have passed since then. Are you okay?"

"Yep," Mitch replied, smiling at his Pack. They all returned the smile, still feeling their hearts break at the fact Mitch pretty much grew up in the orphanage. "I love it here! I have my own Omega Cabinet!"

"That's amazing, Mitchy," Alyssa commented as she looked at her watch and sighed deeply. "I got to go now. I'll see you tomorrow."

"Why don't you stay for dinner?" Kevin asked, standing in front of the door. Alyssa rolled her eyes but smiled anyways. Kevin always did this when she had to leave. "Please, babe."

"Okay," Alyssa complied, laughing when Kevin hugged her. She hugged back, falling in love with the touch her boyfriend gave her. "I love you so much, Kev."

"And I love you, Lys."

At that moment, a certain Alpha and Omega felt their hearts break at the words.

Why can't I have that again?

Why can't I ever hear those words?


Dinner then got served and after it was done, the Pack and Alyssa had dessert and watched a movie. Marley and Me to be exact. After the movie ended, Mitch could not stop crying.

"Why did that happen?" He asked sadly. Kevin and Kirstin shared a look and shrugged their shoulders. "Did he end up swinging on the swing?"

"I believe so, Mitch," Kirstin answered, remembering Mitch's reason why he loved the swings. "He's happier though. He is chasing other dogs in Heaven."

"I never got to ask this," Kevin spoke up, looking to Alyssa. Everyone looked at him, hearing what he had to say. "How do you guys know each other."

"The orphanage," Alyssa answered, smiling when Mitch nodded excitedly. "I got adopted right after we become friends though. I wanted to write to him, but the family that adopted me didn't like Omegas so I didn't get to write the letters."

"Wait," Avi began, putting two and two together. Mitch looked like he was about to burst into tears. "Who adopted you?"

"The Grassis."

A/N: about them cliffhangers? I heard they make people angry. I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter.:) Also, NO ONE DIES IN THE STORY, I PROMISE!!! Don't worry.:) I love all of you so much.^-^


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