Chapter 5 Birth of a New Exorcist

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Disclaimer ~ I own nothing of Blue Exorcist. Nothing what-so-ever just my chatacter. Nothing else. Please enjoy^^~




»Kira's p.o.v.«

I stood there. Having a staring contest with that demon. Him whipping he's tail none stop. Hearing Rin yelling at me to run. I toned he's voice out and focused on the demon.

'What are you waiting for Kira..? For him to kill you first..?' Kaguya said rather annoyed now.

"If you're not going to attack... THEN I WILL GIRL!!!" The demon threw two garbage cans at me! I dodged the first one, and sliced the second one. It was a mistake, I scattered the trash and it blinded me from seeing the demon come at me. Using the trash cans as a distraction!

"KIRA!" Rin yelled at the top of his lungs at me.

'MOVE FOOLISH GIRL,' now Kaguya yelled.

With their help I was able to react just in the nick of time. But, at that moment, when Rin yelled he brust into blue flames!

"Shit..." I cursed under my breath.

"THIS IS TOO MUCH!! RUN FOR IT!!!" The thugs that were holding Rin said as they took off.

"It looks like I was right about you...!" The demon said as he approached Rin, "those flames are the real thing... The 'Flames of Satan'..! Oh I've been searching for you for so long, young master...! Now... Let us set forth..! Satan-sama awaits us!!"

I ran towards him, I wasn't about to let him take Rin. "Hey, you piece of scum! Have you've forgotten about me! I'm you're oppenent!" I swang my sword at him which he dodged easily, "Hardly you pest..!" Then he did an uppercut, which he managed to make contact on the left side of my stomach.

I pulled away quickly, but lost balance in my left leg due to the shock of the pain. Groaning, I firmly gripped my sword thinking of my next move.

The demon laughed at me, and looked as if he should finish me off or not. I probably look pathetic to him right now... and not worth his time.

'Listen... Recite a holy prayer girl... Then I'll tell you what else to do," Kaguya's voice once more came through.

"B-but I don't any!" I said rather weakly.

"Then perish girl..."

If I don't, I will die. And he might attack Rin. I wanna help, I don't want to die without being of use in this world!

"Fine!" I said as I stood up and pointed my sword to the demon.

"Back for more girl? Guess you really want me to rip you apart!" He licked his lips and grinned evily.

"Stop it Kira!"

"No! Stay put Rin!" I put my other hand infront and placed my sword horizontally. I quickly started thinking of a prayer, then something came to me. Closing my eyes I started, "The Lord is my helper..."

"Fuck! I'll finish you off before you have a chance to finish me!" He growled at me as he raced towards me.

"And my shield! Demon... perish were you stand!" I finished and waited for Kaguya's next instrution.


"KIRA!!!" Rin yelled.

'Now, repeat with me...' Kaguya said.

"'Celestial Moon Dance!'" We both said in harmony.

I opened my eyes and saw he was infront of me, he's sharp nails about to strike me once more. I felt no fear, I didn't feel anything at the sight of him. Adjusting my sword upwards I pushed forward. Quickly and silently I was on back of the demon, he stayed frozen the way he was when I first opened my eyes. Then a bloody scream was heard from him, "GUAAAAAHHHHH!!"

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