Chapter 3 Confession Time

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Disclaimer ~ I own nothing of Blue Exorcist. Nothing what-so-ever just my chatacter. Nothing else. Please enjoy^^~




»Kira's p.o.v.«

Its been three days in total sense I've woken up. But if I include the week I was knocked out, it would a week and three days I've been in the Blue Exorcist world. And I healed rather quickly too! Enough to help around the place, as a thank you for everyone who took care of me. Shiro took me to get new glasses, and I got them very quickly too, surprisingly. I was so excited to be able to see Shiro and Yukio, I also wanted to meet Rin too, but strangely enough, he never appeared when I was up and about. Wonder why?

They were also nice enough to let me borrow some clothing. It was some of Yukio's old clothes that didn't fit him and they fit me ok a little bit big but fine. It was a really shock to see myself in the mirror of the bathroom for the first time sense I've been here! I screamed at first glance and Yukio and Shiro freaked on the other side of the door, "Are you ok!?" They both asked, and of course I told them everything was ok.

As I went back to study myself in the mirror. I couldn't help but smile and keep poking myself! I was skinny not to the extreme, but regular skinny. And I also noticed I had an ass! I had to poke my butt a couple of times, to make sure they weren't fake. Which they weren't! And all that, at the cost of not having boobs, but to hell with that! I did say if my boobs weren't going to be DoubleD then they should be nothing, an A-cup is good. And here I was, poking them, groping them over and over, smiling knowing they were real. I also noticed I was... adorable? How? I don't really know, my friends always told me that if I was in an anime I would be the cute one. I thought they were lying to me cause, you know, friends do that to be nice. But fudge, they were right on the money! Still, this was amazing!

Exciting, but not really... All that was fun but today it will be different. Because today is the day Shiro will help me get back to my 'family'. Only thing is I don't know how to get to my family? And I still can't comprehend how I ended up here? And whether I tell Shiro about this, and he doesn't believe me... I really don't know what to do?

"Ready to get going Kira?"

I looked up and I find a smiling preist standing infront of me.

"Umm..." Its all or nothing, "I have something to say Father Fujimoto."

"Ok then, what is it?" He asked.

I thought about how best to approach this. Should I start explain right away? Or should I say I have no home? Well, "Truth is, I can't return home. Or its more like I can't find a way to get home...umm..."

I'm already lost. Great... "What do you mean by that? If its money, its no prob-" I cut he's sentence.

"Ummm..." I really didn't know how to explain to him about this, "I was... kidnap!" Really, that is a good, easy to digest and real to believe story.

"Kidnap?" Shiro looked like he could believe it... And he would if I keep this story simple enough.

I started messing my hair like those's anime characters that are confused and don't understand something but in this situation I was hoping he'll trust me, "Kidnap you say?"

I nod, and speach softly, "that is why I don't know where I am."

"We can contact the police to help out. Wait here and I'll call them." He smiled and started heading for the door.

Shit! I didn't think this through. Damn... No choice but to speak the truth, but why would he believe me now sense I've lied? "No!" I pulled on he's arm, which I really didn't know why? I automatically blushed in embarrassment, and let go quickly! "Sorry! But ok, please don't call the police please..."

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