Hiding Hetalia

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The sun shone brightly through the leaves, making shadows across the street, the wind jostled the leaves, that in turn made the shadows dance. A young girl, about the age of 17 trudged home, it had been another stressful day at school, but luckily the weekend was tomorrow. The girl, by the name of Melody, had earphones plastering her ears, music softly thumping through them. She nodded her head to the beat, her black hair falling around her shoulders and tumbling down her back.

She reached her home, took out a key and placed it into the keyhole, turning it, she promptly yelled into the house "I'm Home", to which her mother replied "Hi dear" She hurried past the front door in a mad flurry, clothes rapped in her arms.

Ah yes, Melody thought, my family is going on holiday tomorrow. She sighed and took her things upstairs, jumped onto her bed and reached for her laptop (Heh, I bet you could see that coming, eh?) She quickly turned the tech on and began reading FanFiction, when...PING!

"Da Fuq?" She exclaimed, she then moved the mouse over a bit, getting the cursor on the 'Close' area. She clicked it and went back to reading. A moment later...PING!

"Son of a..." She began saying, then took a closer look at the pop-up. In bold words across the top read 'Hetalia Units'. She quickly scanned the ad, Huh, she thought, a simple survey. She began filling it out, it was the traditional, Where do you live? What's your name? How old are you? She breezed through the answers until she reached the last two questions:

What accommodation do you have?



Shared/ Leave with family

She thought about this one, her house was relatively big, and her family would be going on holiday tomorrow for the summer break in a few days, so the house was basically hers now. Wasn't it? She clicked on 'Owned'.

The last question read:

What size would you like your units in?




Now, chibi's were cute and all, but frankly, they did seem to be a bit much work, however...they would liven the place up. She contemplated her choice and the end clicked 'Mixture'.

After finishing the Survey, she clicked 'Save and Send' and a message popped up stating that her first unit would come in 2-3 days later.

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