Losing your memory, losing my mind.

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I sat by your bedside, crying. Why did this have to happen? Why couldn't I have just left the phone on the fucking dashboard? But no, I just couldn't wait. Was it really worth you almost dying? Hell. Fucking. No. I clenched my fists and punched the wall. The nurses came in, grabbing my arms and dragged me into the hallway, screaming and crying. I had lost it man, I had completly lost it. The one person I had ever felt so strongly about, the one that actually loved me back, was in a fucking hospital bed hanging onto life by a thread. I wanted nothing but to see you open your eyes and smile, just to know you're okay, just to know that you still remember me. That was my worst fear. You, losing all of your memories. Well, my worst fear came true. After I had recovered from that small breakdown, I walked back into the room. I saw you had your eyes open. Suddenly, everything had become okay. I touched your face, but you turned your head and shot me this disgusted look. "W-who are you?" you whispered. At that moment, my heart sank. "You...you don't remember me, do you?" I whispered as tears filled my eyes. I had to excuse myself from the room again, but I couldn't bring myself to leave. Even if I did leave, I would have to come back when you were well enough to come home, because you had been living with me. You moved in with me as soon as we graduated from highschool. You had been living with me for about three years. We were both about twenty-one. But what does that matter? Everything we had was gone. I felt like something had just walked up and shreded my body to pieces. I had never felt a greater pain than the one I was feeling that day. I continued to sit by your bedside. Everyday when you would wake up, I would ask you if you remembered me yet. "I'm Dave, remember? I've been your boyfriend for who knows how long. You've been living with me for three fucking years!" I would always get so frusterated and the nurses would have to tell me to go sit in the hallway. That's how I spent my time. Just going back and forth from the side of your bed to the hallway. I never ate, nor did I drink anything the entire time I was there until the nurses began to see how thin I was getting, and how pale I was becoming. Eventually I had food and water forced into me because I collapsed. I was near death myself, I would rather die than have you forget me, forget all of the love we had for each other, and all of it just thrown away because of my cell phone. I blamed everything on myself. After that accident, I made sure I threw my phone away. I was completly done with electronic devices. I just wanted to know, why couldn't I have been hurt? Why did you have to suffer from amnesia? Now that you're up to date on what happened, let's begin the real story, shall we?

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