13. It's A...

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Posted: 11.04.2015
Edited: 11.15.2015

I wanted to have this up earlier, but halfway through my writing everything got deleted and I got really pissed off so I stopped writing :(

Speaking of writing! I have a new story out it's call 'Come Find Us' and I'll be posting parts here and there but in December is when the chapters will be more regular :) If you love me you'll read it.

Now before we start this chapter, I'm not a doctor, I don't deliver babies and I've never been in labor, so please do not correct me on my stupidity if something is wrong, because tbcfh I really don't give a fuck :)

|  R E A G A N   G I O R D A N O |

    "Austin, I feel funny" I groan.


    "I don't know, I just do" I frown.

    "Well what do you feel like?" He asks, leaning his head on my shoulder

    "Not gonna lie, I feel like I have to take a shit" I chuckle and he snorts.

    "Then go take a shit" 

     "Okay" I say, standing up and walking to the bathroom, I pull my pants down, frowning seeing that my underwear are soaking wet. It couldn't have been Austin because like, he's attractive and all, but he didn't even do anything. 

    "Austin!" I yell, hearing him yelling back in response "I'm leaking, and it's not from you" I hear his footsteps run to me, and his eyes show worry.

    "Do you think-?" 

    "Yeah I fucking think!" I huff, standing up and walking out of the bathroom.

    "Are you hurting?" Austin asks and I shake my head.

    "No, but we better get to the hospital before I do start hurting" I say, he grabs the bag that we had packed a few days ago, that has everything we need and we get into Austin's truck, driving to the hospital.

    When we get there, a wheel chair takes me to one of the rooms, a doctor coming in shortly after.

    "Hello Reagan, I'm Dr. Marx, I'm just going to check and see how you're doing" He says, pulling up the sheet "Okay, so you're about 8 centimeter, meaning we really need to get you going" He pulls the sheet back down, wheeling me to the labor and delivery room.

    "Are you sensing any pain?" The doctor asks and I shake my head "Ah, one of the very few, don't get used to it, one you start to push, it's going to hurt" He says, and I frown.

    Austin walks beside me, grabbing my hand "Ashton is on his way" He tells me and I roll my eyes.

    "Naturalmente cazzo" I huff, I squeeze his hand nonetheless, waiting patiently for the doctors to tell me that I can push. When the moment comes, I take a deep breath pushing like they said I should. After what felt like hours, I feel like a huge weight was lifting off of me upon hearing the tiny cries, of the tiny human that grew inside of me.

    "It's a boy! A very healthy boy" The doctor smiles, Austin cuts the cord, and my baby is handed off from doctor to nurse and eventually out of the room.

    "Is he cute?" I ask Austin, a lazy smile on my face.

    "He's perfect" He grins, pushing my hair out of my face and kissing my forehead.

    "I want to see him" 

    "You will soon baby" 


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