12. I Don't Want It To Stop

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Posted: 10.27.2015
Edited: 11.15.2015

It's been soooooo long!

I wanted wait until tomorrow because it normally takes me like an hour to two hours to write a chapter and it's like 8 pm and I have school tomorrow but oh fucking well right.

There's not going to be any Italian in here, I'm too lazy.

Boy or girl? That's the real question because I don't even know what I want XD

| R E A G A N   G I O R D A N O |

    "Austin no" I whine as he follow me to the bathroom.

    "But we need to save water" He smirks.

    "No" I shake my head "These hotels make enough money to pay the water bill"

    "You don't know that, it may only have 4 stars for a reason" 

    "Austin, please" I turn around to face him.

    "I don't see what the big deal is" He shrugs with a huff.

    "The big deal is I'm fat and ugly and my stomach is like huge and I just want to eat everything in  sight and I'm just disgusting" I cry.

    "Hey, shh" He coos pulling me into his chest "You're not fat or ugly, you're gorgeous"

    "Really?" I ask, looking up at him while wiping my tears.

    "Yes, really" He leans down connecting his lips to mine.

    "Ugh fine" I huff grabbing his wrist and pulling him into the bathroom. I get undressed quickly getting into the shower, Austin following in after me.

    "When's our last day here?" I ask, wetting my hair.

    "Tomorrow" He frowns and I sigh.

    "It's been fun, you know" I smile "Just the two of us"

    "Yeah, I know" He wraps his arms around me the best he can "I don't want it to stop" 

    "Me neither" I sigh "I like when it's just us two, helps me get my head in check"

    "Me too, now I know everything I didn't a few days ago"


    "I'll tell you later" He whispers, leaning down to kiss me. The kiss is deep and slow, making me forget to urge him to tell me what he all of a sudden knows "Come on, let's get something to eat" He whispers against my lips. We wash our bodies quickly and get out. I pick out my clothing and put everything on while walking to the bathroom to brush my hair. Austin comes in soon after, getting out his tooth brush, he walks beside me, wrapping his arm around my waist. 

    "Where are we going to eat?" I ask, beginning to brush my teeth myself.

    "I don't know" He says, spitting the tooth paste into the sink and rinsing out his mouth. I finish brushing my teeth and walk out of the bathroom, seeing Austin waiting for me.

    "Ready?" He asks and I nod, following him out of our hotel room. We hail a cab, Austin giving the driver an address as I sit and wait for our arrival. We pull up to a fancy looking restaurant, and I'm thankful for my choice in clothing, we get out and walk inside, Austin already having reservations.

    "So what's all this for?" I ask, looking over the menu.

    "Tonight's our last night and I wanted it to be nice" He shrugs, but I know there's another part to it. We order our food and drinks, making small talk as we wait.

    "So two more months huh?" He breathes.

    "Not even, are you excited?"

    "Kind of, are you?"

    "Yeah, but I'm worried about the aftermath" I confess "Why are you kind of excited?"

    "I don't want a baby with Ashton" He huffs "I want one with someone else" 

    "Like who?"



    "So he basically told you he was in love with you and wants to have this baby with you, and you left?" Bella recaps "You just ran away" 

    "I didn't know what else to do I was so scared!" I huff.

    "How long has it been since you two have talked?"

    "Like a month" I state in a questioning tone "I was like 7 and a half months in New York and now I'm 8 and a half so yeah" 

    "Oh my gosh" She huffs "Go talk to him now!" She demands.

    "Okay" I huff, walking to my car and driving to Austin's house, I breathe out in relief seeing his car there, but not Ashton's. I walk in not even caring about knocking, when I see he's not in the living room, I walk to his bedroom, seeing him coming out of the bathroom.

    "What are you doing here?" He asks coldly, and I sigh.

    "I'm sorry, Austin, I really mean it. I just panicked because I'm pregnant with a baby that's supposed to go to you and your boyfriend and here you are telling me you love me and want this baby to be just ours and I'm so confused because I feel the same way but I don't even know how this will even work"I confess, and he slowly walks towards me.

    "We can take it one step at a time" He whispers, his hand moves to the back of my neck as he connects our lips, his tongue immediately twirling itself around mine.

    "So this is like...an indirect thing?" I whisper, and he nods.

    "Yeah, we'll worry about everything else later, just keep kissing me" He chuckles, reconnecting our lips.


The baby is coming next chapter btw :))

Love from a nugget, Bad_Boy_Hemmo

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