Chapter 7

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( A/N: Trey & Tiffany in MM 😊)

Tiffany's POV:

" Donte stop." I tried to get him off of me. Our current position felt awkward to me with him being between my legs.

After putting Trey to bed, Donte asked if he could spend the night because he complained about being too tired to drive back to his place. I didn't want to be rude and say no especially after all he's done for Trey and I, so I agreed that he could stay just for the night.

"Why should I T?" He said placing a kiss all over my neck after each word making my skin crawl. His lips were so hard to resist.

Everything he was doing right now had put me in a daze and I was unable to focus.

" Move now, I'm not playing." I managed to say whispering, but not wanting him to stop at all.

I tried to push him away with everything in me but it failed. I heard my phone ringing and soon felt a sign of relief because he moved off of me finally, but grabbed my phone.

" Give me the phone." I said trying to pry it out of his hands. He looked down at it, " Who in the hell is August?" He said looking up at me.

" None of your concern, please and thank you." I said and snatched my phone out of his hands.

" Hello? " I answered

" Hey, how are you ma?"

" Don't you think it's kind of late to call asking how I am?" I chuckled.

" Shit I would think so." Mumbled Donte.

I sent him a look and rolled my eyes.
"But I'm doing just fine August. I told you I'll be okay. Feeling much better than before."

" Just wanted ta know. It's just been weighing heavily on my mind all day. I aint mean ta disturb you and ya man." He said and I knew exactly what he was doing.

" My man?" I said and laughed, " I'm proudly single." I told him and caught Donte staring my way. He nodded his head and walked out of the room.

" Hey, look I'll call you tomorrow. I have to handle something really quickly." I told him and hung up quickly followed behind Donte.

" Where are you going?" I asked him after noticing he was putting his Timbs back on.

" None of your concern remember?"

" No seriously why are you leaving?" I questioned him wanting to know.

" Somewhere to help clear my mind."  He said and grabbed his keys. I was so confused at this point.

" Um, did I miss something? I thought you were tired."

" I think I'll be fine, but i'll get up with Trey tomorrow. Give him another kiss for me." He said and walked out.

I just stood there looking stupid. I really didn't know the reasoning for him leaving so late at night. But I wasn't going to let it stress me out. I headed back up stairs and took a peep into Trey's room and smiled when noticing he was still asleep. I shut the door quietly and headed back to my own room.

As soon as I got comfortable, I heard the doorbell ring. Who the hell was at the door? Couldn't be Donte again. I groaned and stood up to go and retrieve the door.

Once I met the door, I opened it seeing a crying Chanel standing there.

" Ch- Chanel? What's wrong pooh? " I asked pulling her inside and shutting the door closed.

" Can I spend the night over here?" She asked and I could see the hurt in her eyes.

" Of course , come on. I'll let you borrow some of my clothes."

She followed behind me as I went up the stairs to get her some clothes.

After she had showered and used one of my T-shirts and boy shorts to wear, she got comfortable next to me and sighed.

" So do you want to tell me why my best friend showed up at my door at almost 12 at night ?" I asked her with a concerned look.

" It's nothing." She said nonchalantly looking down on her phone.

I snatched it from her hands, making her look up to me. I wasn't going to let her sit there upset and not able to express what was going on with her.

" Tiffany!" She shouted.

" Shut up Trey's sleep. And I'm not about to sit here and hear you say that your fine. Tell me wassup with you." I pleaded.

She groaned in frustration and sat up. An annoyed facial expression sat upon her face, but it didn't bother me at all.

" I just have a lot on my plate right now. "

" Be more specific C."

" Tiffany I didn't come here to talk out all my problems tonight. It's too late and I'm tired."

" And I didn't just let you in my house after seeing you in tears , let you borrow some of my clothes, and spend the night over here, just for you not to tell me what's good with you. So imma need some answers."

I looked at my friend. She seemed so drained and I didn't know why and she didn't want me to know why. It had saddened me.

" I appreciate it, I really do, but not tonight."

" Fine." I said with irritated tone in my voice and threw her phone back at her , causing it to hit her chest.

I grabbed my phone and walked out of the room and made my way to the kitchen. All of this shit was about to make me explode. She was always so damn stubborn.

I looked in my refrigerator seeing it was almost empty. I really needed to go grocery shopping. All that was in there were fruits, condiments, sandwich meat, pickles, and drinks. I grabbed a bottle of water and opened the cap taking a big gulp.

I was very bored right now and I didn't feel like talking to Chanel. It was like she changed and I didn't know the reason of it.

One person came to mind and I contemplated if I should call or not. After tapping and debating if I should call him or not, I took the initiative to do it anyway.

I searched for his contact and clicked his name. Once I heard that deep, raspy voice , my cheeks instantly rose up making me smile.

" Hello?"I heard his southern accent  voice come into the phone. I could tell he had to be sleep and I was disturbing him. Fuck.

" I'm sorry, I don't know what I was thinking." I said and hung up quickly.

I felt so stupid.


So I know this chapter sucks lol but just a update - Kayla

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