Chapter 3

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Hopefully this chapter will be kind of intense, maybe? Maybe it will make up for the lateness...? Ahh no, it won't because I haven't updated in foreeeevvvverrrr.

Thank you Caitlin for the Niall idea :) .



Harry's POV [2014]

I really hate myself.

I hate all the stupid decisions I made.

I really screwed up....big time.

No, I didn't cheat on a maths test or steal a sandwhich, I ruined peoples' lives. I caused a girl to fall into depression, to try and kill herself.

It's no good at all to see yourself and not recognize your face.

What the hell is wrong with me?

I didn't have time to dwell on this any longer because a message popped up on my computer screen. The familiar ding grabbed my attention, even though I was on the bed. In two seconds flat I was adjusting the screen and clicking on the message.

My heart beat erratically, I wouldn't be shocked if it dug its way out of my chest it was working that hard. My palms glistened with sweat while my hands shook as they rested on the computer.

I haven't gotten a message in over a year so why now?

Did something happen?

Is everything alright?

What is it this time?

My mind raced with so many questions it made me dizzy.

I hated not knowing when I would recieve a message. This past year had made me go crazy. At first, I would check my computer and phone every hour. Slowly, every hour faded into every day, and every day faded into every week. Now it was every month.

That first video made me rethink everything. It also made me realize how downright stupid I am. I felt absolutely burdened with the fact that Matt was sending me videos about the twins when Sky had no clue.

She is completely clueless on this whole thing.

She doesn't know that I was the one who gave Matt and Jim the twins, and if she did, gosh. I don't think she would even talk to me again. I have betrayed her trust so many times I still have no idea why she even wants to talk to me.

"Harry Harry Harry" Matt cooed into the speaker. "Now, don't you want to see how the little twins are doing? Oh, wait, of course you do. Actually, I'll be nice and cut this short so you see for yourself..."

Just those words made me gulp. A sickening feeling roared up in my stomach.

"Dadda" a brown-eyed toddler smiled as she looked into the camera. She gurgled and giggle as she rolled around on the floor. 

"Now," Matt began to narrate, "look at her, look how happy she is. I would just like to thank you for all that you've done to make this possible. It is such a wonderful feeling to wake up and hold these two babies every should try it sometime" he added.

My hands formed into a fist, and with every word spoken they became tighter and tighter until my hands were white. 

Matt walked on camera, picking up little Brooke and carrying her closer to the camera.

"Say hi to Harry" he smirked.

"Hi Hairwy" Brooke repeated after Matt, her smile not faultering one bit.

"He's a good friend of mine. He really is. I wouldn't have you if it weren't for him now would I?" Matt told Brooke, talking in that stupid baby-talk. 

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