To Be A Fairytale

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To Be A Fairytale is about a highschool girl named Ayla, her best friend is gone, her boyfriend is no longer hers, and she no longer has something to make a career off of. She has low self confidence and makes some bad choices along the way. One day she meets a guy that was hardly a nobody and soon falls in love with him. But does he love her back?  Does she have what it takes to win this guy over? Suddenly theres a change of heart at stake and she has to make the hardest descision in her life. But none of this compares to what she has to deal within her family. Is she drinking again? Is he really her cousin?

"A smile is like a bandaid, it covers up the scar but the pain is still there."

"No smile is more beautiful than the one that struggles through the tears."

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