The Breakdown

17 1 3

September 22, 2015
I couldn't take it anymore. I broke. I told my parents how I really feel. Life is hard. Life isn't easy. My parents expect so much out of me and I can't do it. C's on my report card isn't acceptable, which is average! I am average! I'm nothing special. Honestly is fucking hurts. It hurts to see the disappointment in my parents eyes everyday. I come home and go straight to my room, then sit and cry. I don't even leave to eat anymore. I try to avoid my parents as much as possible. My mom was screaming at me because I made one mistake. I told my friends the wrong date for something. I broke. I couldn't take it anymore. I told her how I felt. I told her how I hate everything about me and I told her how I can't do anything right. I even told her about how I'm tired of crying myself to bed every weekend. Then she made me the bad guy. She told me that maybe she should leave if she makes my life so bad maybe she should leave. She even told me if she left it would take so much stress off of her shoulders. I'm tired of it. Getting told I'm disgusting, a disappointment, a lousy piece of trash, and how my parents say they don't like seeing me anymore. Fine. Fine, fine, fine. I will make there lives easier. I will leave. They don't want me and I don't want me here. Honestly, my own house doesn't feel like home. Home is suppose to make you feel warm inside and feel loved. I don't. I need to find some where else. A trash can would feel better than this place right now. The only thing I can feel happy seeing is the CTFxC vlogs, but it feels amazing to live in the same city as him. Might as well start packing my bags. See you guys later I guess.

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