Twisted Fate

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I couldn't understand why I was being treated like an animal, tears where rolling down my face as I looked out the back window of the car taking me to my new imprisonment.  Watching the house that I had once called home; with my family holding each other due to sheer exhaustion of unanswered questions, and fear fade into the distance.   This place had once been my haven, my sanctuary, the one place that I had always felt safe and accepted was now being taken from me and from the current moment all hoped seems all but lost.  If only they would look up and see the sheer evil smirk upon his face as he watched me pull away.


Six months ago, my mother had remarried.  It had just been me and her for the last seven years since my father had passes away during a boating accident out at sea.  My mother had never been the same since; she was so reserved and quit; the most caring and loving person that I had ever met in my sixteen years of life.  (Being in my sophomore year of high school I had seen some of the mockery and ridicule that humans could put each other through.)  All I ever wanted was for her to be happy, I knew how much she carried for me and did not want to hurt me any further then the passing of my father already had.  "Mom, you really need to get out more, other then work.  Aunt Carrie has been asking about you a lot lately you should really take her up on her offer for a 'girls night out'!"  

These had been the words that started it all, all of the terror, the heart break, and above all else those where the words that lead to me loosing my family.

That night she had taken my advice and decided to call her sister, who she had not spoken to in over year.  It seemed that she always had some sort of excuse as to why she was to busy to even call her.  But this one faithful night happen to be the one that she listened to me.  About thirty minutes after hanging up the phone with Aunt Carrie, there was a knock at the door.  Seeming how visits where less often then what they should have been I ran to the door excitedly as I knew it was my Aunt.  She had always been like the old sister I never had, and loved visiting her house.  Tonight though was about my mom.  "Sarah"  she called up the stairs as she stepped inside and hugged me tight.  "We are going to be late if we don't leave soon, hurry up!"  Slowly and reluctantly dressed up for the first time since what seemed like my fathers funeral my mom descended the staircase.  

She was beautiful, dark curly brown hair that hung just passed her shoulder blades, and green eyes as clear as emeralds.  She wore a loose black dress and simple flats with a knitted black shawl to top off the ensemble.  Although everyone says that I am the spitting image of my mother, I beg to differ.  Looking at her now, it seemed there was no way anyone could possible agree with that statement.  

You could tell that she was nervous and out of place, all dressed up.  I kissed them both goodbye and ushered them out the door.  They only had fifteen minutes to get to the movies.  The movies may not be the most ideal place for someone to get out and mengal but baby steps where OK with me.

Three hours later I got the phone call that would change my life, "Hello"  "Hi sweet heart, you are not going to believe what has happened.  On the way home, Aunt Carrie got a flat tire; and the nicest man stopped to help.  Could you please pick up the house a little?  We are having him and his daughter follow us home.  They are from out of town and David needs to warm up from being soaked to the bone after changing the tire, they have no where else to go."  "David? " I questioned, I had not herd my mom talk like this, since forever.  "Sure Mom, if you say so.  See you soon."

I got this odd ere feeling as I hung up the phone, but brushed it off trying to be happy that she had, had a good time.  Little did I know that this man would be the one to tear us apart, and land me in the crazy house!


Let me know what you guys think, its going to start out a little slow but I promise it will get better.  Dont forget to vote and comment I want everyones opinions!!!

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