Chapter Eight

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Heaths POV

Kyle's gone he must of jumped out the window while I was talking to him.

"Brax" I yell.

Brax comes running in.

"he's gone,the idiot is gone, he locked the door and must of sneaked out" I sigh.

Brax runs his hands through his hair

"this isn't good." He groans.

"Ya think." I grunt.

"Kyles smart, he's not a complete idiot, he wouldn't do anything stupid. " Brax tries to reassure himself.

"That's not the problem, the problem is that the masons are still not locked up" i grunt

"You don't think he'll go to them do you?" Brax asks.

"Na like you said he's not a complete idiot" I mumble

"Then what do you think he is up too?" Brax asks

"I don't he even know" I sigh worried for Kyle

Kyles POV

I feel bad for leaving how I did,  everyone is probably worried but I just had to clear my head.

I hate this, can't they just be locked up.

I head down to the beach.

i sit down and put my crutches beside me.

"Kyle" John calls out.

"Hey Palmer" I reply.

"What on earth are you doing out here?" He asks.

"Just clearing my head" I reply.

"Do your brothers know that you are here?" John asks.

"No" I mumble knowing he will now insist to take me home.

"Come on your family will be worried about you" he smiles.

i get up and follow him back struggling to work my crutches.

When we get home everyone breaths a sigh of relief.

"You idiot,  they are still out there" Brax grunts

"I'm sorry Brax I just needed to clear my head" I mumble

"Mate they can still get you, please Kyle just don't go off again" Brax begs

"Fine I won't" I huff

I go off to my bedroom.

"Wait Kyle we don't trust you, you're sleeping on the flat couch tonight" Brax sighs.

"What! I can't sleep on a couch" I grunt making my way to my room once again

Ricky grabs me by the hood.

"Kyle if we lose you it will hurt us so you're sleeping on our couch and your dealing with Brax's snoring" Ricky laughs.

"fine but what about yours?" i grunt.

"now Kyle theres no need to be cheeky" Ricky laughs.

"okay, I've got it." I sigh  and slump into a seat.

the rest of the night goes quickly, we all eat dinner and go off to bed.

i make myself comfy on the couch.

i fall to sleep before first which saves me from their snoring.

Braxs POV

"at least he doesn't snore' i laugh

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