Chapter Six

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Brax's POV

I wake up with the sunlight from the curtains shining in my face, i push myself up to a sitting position, i move my neck around, hospital beds are not the most comfortable place to sleep. I look over at Kyle's bed and see that it is empty

"Shit!" I mutter, i spring out of bed and race out the door, i stop when i see Nate and Kyle slowly walking back towards me

"Oi next time you leave the room, tell me" I mutter

"sorry Brax, he was with me seeing the Physio" Nate apologizes

"and?" i ask

"After another few days he should be fine with Physio twice a day" Nate replies

I see Kyle smile a bit

"Right, so am i free to go and come back later"Kyle asks

"No, Kyle you aren't going anywhere" I mutter

"Brax, seriously Nate said i would be fine after a few more days" Kyle moans

"Kyle i would like you to stay here, until i am 100% sure that you are okay" Nate announces

"Seriously?" Kyle moans

"Yes Kyle now let me take you to your room, where you will stay until Nate says you can leave" I mutter

"Fine" He huffs

"Grow up Kyle" I moan

He looks at me and huffs again but when he looks up at me he shrugs

"Sorry" he mumbles

"Look Kyle it's only a week at the most, you have made some improvements already, just give it 5 days please it's for your own good" Nate smiles

Kyle reluctantly nods his head

"fine Nate but after a week I'm gone" Kyle mutters

"Seriously Kyle grow up, this is for your own good so deal with it and after a week if you are still here you will stay here, okay" i grunt

Kyle looks like he wants to argue we with me but when he sees my stony expression he decides against it

"Fine Brax" he mumbles

"And that's the last i will hear about it okay?" I grin 

Slowly Kyle nods and i breath a sigh of relief

As i take Kyle back to his hospital bed the hospital doors spring open and in rush Ricky and Casey

"Brax there's a problem at angelos and they need to see the owner" Casey mutters

"Right, case can you stay here please, and make sure Kyle doesn't leave" i mutter

I see Kyle roll his eyes

"Right, I can do that" Casey grins

"Right, i'll come back later Kyle" i wave goodbye

I exit the room with Ricky and quickly make my way to the restaurant

Casey's POV

I am flicking through a surfing magazine and the hours are passing by

"Casey, seriously are you trying to bore me to death" Kyle moans

"Yea Kyle, that's exactly what I'm trying to do" i laugh

"Can we do something" He groans

"How about we talk about what you are going to say in court" I mention

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