1. Frank the angel

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A new day had just started. The timid rays of sunshine filtering through the clouds that formed Frank's bed forced him to wake up. He yawned and curled up in a ball until suddenly he remembered what day was it today.

It was Monday, and like every Monday, Frank and the rest of the teenage angels had to go to school. But today would be a special day for Frank and his friends, as they all would be 18 very soon and that mean they'd be able to work. Today they'd start to learn how to do their jobs.

He crawled to Ryan, his best friend, and shook his shoulder gently.

"Ry...? Wake up..!"

The boy groaned and rolled away. Well, desperate times call for desperate measures, thought Frank. He carefully rested his hand on Ryan's wing and then immediately plucked out a feather as he smirked to himself.

"Jesus, Frank!!" Ryan squealed as he hurried to sit up, just in case Frank did that again. Frank laughed at his reaction and Ryan shoved him away, pouting.

"You idiot, you knew we have to wake up early today...!" Frank said as he stood up, offering a hand to Ryan.

"Yeah, right right! Today we're starting the thing, aren't we?" Ryan asked, completely forgetting what Frank had just done to him.

Just as Frank opened his mouth to reply, he heard shuffling behind him and remembered they weren't alone. "Should we wake them up too..?" He wondered aloud.

The shuffling noise was made by two angels sleeping, Pete and Patrick, who were cuddled up together. Pete had black hair and his fringe covered one of his eyes, he had a tattoo around his neck from what Frank had seen, but he probably had more tattoos adorning his body.

Patrick's skin was completely untouched, his pale skin didn't have any scar or marking and his gingerish hair was covering his face right now.

They both weren't born as angels and Frank asked them daily lots of questions about the human world.

Pete was a human who lived in Chicago, he remembers his life being exciting and full of adrenaline, but short. He had told Frank that he used to be in a band and he played bass. His band wasn't huge, not that Pete cared though. He loved the life on the road and discovering the world with his best friends. He was apparently carefree, but if he had really been carefree he wouldn't have turned into an angel. Pete had a car accident. He was driving at full speed, when he saw a car that was going to crash against his. So in the last second, he quickly turned the steering wheel. In that action, he gave his life to save three complete strangers. That action turned him into an angel.

Patrick, on the other hand was the one who found the body. He was in the band with Pete and since he died, Patrick's life went downhill causing him to two years later commit suicide. Heaven would never separate two persons so attached to each other and so, the first thing Patrick always saw when he woke up since his death was Pete.

That's exactly what he saw today too as he was woken up by Frank and Ryan.

"Come on guys...! Please, we're already late!" Frank whined. "I'm going to go to class by myself if you don't wake up!" He stated stubbornly.

Pete chuckled sleepily and stood up, making sure Patrick did too. "Oh, poor little Frankie wants to learn how to spy on humans as fast as possible." He giggled.

Frank gasped and blushed furiously. "That's n-" He stopped, remembering he shouldn't lie. "It's not called like that..! I just want to be an angel guardian, not a stalker...!"

Frank had never seen the human world, and of course, the profession that caught more his attention was being an angel guardian. Frank knew his story though.

Unluckily, his mother died while she was giving birth, her baby dying too. When she arrived to Heaven, they gave her newborn baby the opportunity to be an angel, and she agreed. Frank grew up like a normal angel, even if he wasn't exactly born in Heaven. And his dream was to be a guardian angel, so he could take care of his dad like his dad did took care of him and his mother every Sunday, leaving two roses on the cemetery and praying for them to be safe and happy.

Although this was a big reason for Frank, he was also intrigued by humans and maybe being a guardian would help him to understand their lives.

Hey! I hope you guys like this! ★♥

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