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Two years ago

I hurried home knowing that my mom would probably be back by now. I got her text early this morning saying she’d be coming back from her trip and making something special for dinner. Mom usually wasn’t around due to her work. As the only working member of our family of two, she supported the finances. Her law firm was paying her well for all the trips they made her take out of town. But all things considered, we did well. I smiled at the thought of her cooking dinner. My mom wasn’t the typical mom. I could find things faster and cook better than her anytime. Her best motherly affection came from buying me candies which changed to fashion supplies in the coming years. However she was, I had missed her. We were more of friends than mother and daughter. I was sure we would have to order some pizza later, once she was done “trying” and given up. I let her do it. It made her happy in a way I couldn’t understand. But spending this precious little time and being happy with her was enough.

As I reached home I searched through my purse for the keys. My God, why do I even carry purses so big with unnecessary stuff in it? It was cold outside and I wanted to get in as fast as possible. It took me a while before my fingers found the familiar penguin shaped key chain in the midst of all the non-essential crap I kept in my purse. To my surprise the door was unlocked. I rolled my eyes. Great, why not try the doors before searching for the keys, helps save time. Mom must be home by now, I thought.

“Mom, are you in there?” I called out. “Mom?” I raised my voice. The house was as silent as I remembered it to be. The door was unlocked. What if robbers were inside? Oh God, I just delivered myself in silver platter to them. Just like all those dumb actresses do in dumber movies. For a second, I thought of turning back and running for my life while shouting how I do not need the extra weightage of my purse and its items. Though it could come handy in hitting the bad guys. But then realized that it was probably mom who might have left the door open.

I tried her cell, something started to ring in the house itself. Gosh, my mom could be so irresponsible. I went in hoping my mom would be in her room.

“Mom?” I called again hoping she was in there. Nope, no one’s home. I went to the kitchen thinking of getting a bite as I waited for her. Then, I saw her travel bags, groceries and  her purse, and some papers on the dining table. There was a list of ingredients attached to the bag of grocery with a circle around a few items that I think my mom forgot. I went over to check what she was trying to cook so that I could help with the recipe. I loved to cook. It was such a pleasure to make something which is not only a basic necessitybut also something that makes you happy. Your very own creation. And to feed it to people, make their hunger go away. I started rummaging through the items she got when some of the stuff fell over.

Argh! Panicking that it may be liquid, I threw the paper, which apparently was an envelope, on the chair and then proceeded to carry the stuff to the cabinet nearby. When I was pleased with the arrangement, I made myself some coffee and sat on the chair. Something seemed to crackle underneath me.

“Shit!” I had totally forgotten about the envelope. I immediately took the paper out to see how far the damage was done. Hopefully the creases won’t show, I sat only for a second. But the creases didn’t hold a candle to the cracks in my life after what I saw was written on the paper… That little envelope changed my life forever…  


(Note - The fun starts from the first chapter. Be patient with me and I hope the story is worth your while - just give it a chance. I hope you like it as much as I enjoyed writing it. )

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