Chp. 9

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I woke up earlier then usual the next morning, not wanting to wait for Claire to wake up. I unzipped the door quietly, trying not to make to much noise as I exited and closed the door as best as I could. I felt the heat hit me like a giant wave as I rolled my shorts and rolled my shirt, exposing skin that was already sun kissed. 

I wasn’t sure what I was to work on today, but I knew I had to occupy myself. I decided I could sharpen the rock that had served as a knife that Claire had given me, so I made my way to the water pool.

I knew we needed to clear a path for us, just to make it easier to access the water, so as I walked I began pulled down leaves and vines, kicking branches out of the way.  Finally I made it to the water hole, finding the big, sharp rock sticking out of the ground, remembering how it had come in handy for cracking coconuts. 

I pushed my rock against the other, grinding it away as I made it sharp against the edge of the rock. I began to sweat as I continued to grind it down, chipping away until I felt it was sharp enough. 

And I couldn’t stop thinking about last night with Claire. 

I didn’t know why I had come onto her so hard, I didn’t regret it though, because I did want her. I wanted her to want me to, and I figured it was only because it was just her and I on this dreaded island. 

If we would be in Rio I would most likely never have given her a second thought. 

Or would I?

Sitting next to her sparked something in my stomach, when I had looked up into those familiar green eyes. Something in my stomach knotted, and even if I had ignored it, it had made me slightly happy on the inside. So maybe, just maybe, I would’ve tried to keep contact with her in Rio.

Maybe I liked her more then I wanted to admit to myself. Maybe I wasn’t completely over her like I had convinced my heart, and knowing that was a possibility scared me. 

Because now it was just her and I on this very dangerous and primitive island. 

I studied the rock, touching the sharp end, knowing it was sharp enough. I put it in the hymn of my shorts and made my way back to the camp, hoping Claire would want to join me in finding breakfast. 

But she wasn’t even awake yet. 

I had been gone for at least thirty or forty minutes, we had shit to do and she needed to wake up. 

I crawled in the camp and on top of her, straddling her sleeping body as I let my hands under her arms and tickled her. She gasped away, laughing and angry words coming out of her mouth, “Alex! Stop it dammit!”

I laughed at her reaction, “It’s time to wake up.”

She squirmed under my hands as she tried to force me off of her but I let her have her mercy as I fell off of her. She punched me in the arm, “I hate you.”

It stung hearing that but I knew she didn’t mean it, I grabbed her arm and pulled her back, “You don’t mean that.”

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