Chapter 6

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I had to do a bit of research (living in England I haven’t learnt anything about America apart from after the 1st word war) for the dates and stuff, so I’m sorry if some of it isn’t very accurate…

I’m getting creeped out myself writing this >< 11:20 pm is not a good time to be writing horror fanfics!

If you're here from ITN, thankyou so much for reading! This fanfic went up like 100 reads in a week, I'm so happy :D


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Friendly hug means glare of death if your name is Liam or Zayn, and you’re looking at Niall. Luckily for them, the teeth gritting and fist curling ended for a split second when Niall let out a yelp, but hugged Harry harder, causing more anger in both of Niall’s admirers. It seemed to make them unaware of why Niall jumped, although Harry and Louis both heard it too. Nope, they won’t be meeting any more ghosts for a while now. Instead, Louis turned his head slowly towards where he thought the sound came from, and came eye to eye with the old fireplace. Harry understood what his boyfriend was thinking. Seeing as Niall was too afraid to even walk, Louis approached the fireplace slowly, in fear of what could potentially jump out at him.

“It’s just an old newspaper,” he said, after what seemed like a pretty long time for a walk from one side of the room to another. “Why is a newspaper in a fireplace?”

“Because in the olden times, people used to throw newspapers into fires to make it burn longer, duh, boo bear.” Harry replied, walking closer to him with Niall still holding on for dear life.

Louis giggled. “Well I did fail a few A-levels…”

“Guys, enough of the cheesy flirting! Aren’t you going to have a look at the newspaper, you know, it could tell us something about this creepy house?” Liam interrupted.

“Okay okay!” Louis said, picking it up, coughing slightly from the dust.

“25th May 1735. Wow, this newspaper is so old!” Seeing Liam’s unamused face at his commentary, he continued reading. “Sir Tomlinson’s mansion to be demolished after corner part collapses.”

His jaw suddenly dropped.

“Boo bear, what’s wrong?” Harry asked. Surely part of a house collapsing wasn’t that shocking.

“You didn’t believe me!” Louis exclaimed, pointing to Liam and Zayn (somehow missing Niall out). “Well look at this!”

“Louis, you’re not making any sense!” Harry said.

“That’s because you went missing! Where did you go?”

“Missing? I didn’t go missing! I was here all along!”

“Oh really? So how come you don’t know why I’m reacting like this to this newspaper? This isn’t a funny joke Harold.”

“Louis, please believe me. I don’t know what happened, okay? I was here, then something felt strange, and I was here again! Now tell me what Liam and Zayn didn’t believe.”

Louis looked at Harry for signs that he was lying, but found only concerning green eyes staring back at him.

“Okay. When we thought we couldn’t find you, we split up. I went upstairs and saw four rooms instead of three. I went into the first one, and it was normal. Then, when I entered the second one, there was a hall instead of a room! Loads of people were in it, and I had no idea how they managed to fit in there, considering what the room looked like when we first saw it. I noticed this woman running after a man, shouting Sir Tomlinson. When I tried to ask this ‘Sir Tomlinson’ what was going on, I got called a peasant and kicked out of the room!”

“But when we came back up, you’d tricked us and there were only three rooms.” Zayn finished.

“Correct, there were only three rooms. But I didn’t trick you! There really was a hall-looking fourth room, and I’d really seen this Sir Tomlinson guy!”

Obviously Zayn didn’t believe him, but Harry spoke out before the Bradford boy could say anything else.

“I believe you.”

The three other boys looked at him in shock. 

“I know Louis’ normally a joker, and loves pulling pranks on people, but he’s my boyfriend! I can tell when he’s lying, and when he’s telling the truth.”

He said his words with so much confidence that the other boys didn’t know how to respond.

“Let’s just uh...continue with the newspaper okay?” Liam didn’t really want to go on about how it was impossible for a room to suddenly appear looking like a hall and disappearing a split second afterwards.

“Sure. Sir Tomlinson’s mansion was originally designed for parties and everything extravagant. However, guests soon found their horses failed to carry their carriage through the woods, due to the amount of trees and twigs.

‘I regret building my mansion in such a place,’ Sir Tomlinson says. ‘All of my guests said they had to walk for half of the journey! I mean, walking to a party? That is utterly ridiculous! I don’t know what happened, and why that part suddenly collapsed. I mean I did hire the best architect in all of England and told him to boat over here to build it with his workers, but he obviously hasn’t done the job right! Oh well. I’ll just have to hire the best demolitionists in all of England, get them to boat over here and demolish the mansion!’

When asked would he miss the mansion as he’s not going to fix it, he simply replied. ‘Oh no. Thinking about it, it wasn’t one of the best designs anyway. I’m too rich to worry about petty things like a small mansion!’

This isn’t the first report of strange things happening in this forest. Children are reported to have gone on picnics, only to go missing, but there is of course no evidence, and this could well be another old wives tale by old hags wanting attention instead of making and looking after children!

Written by Robert Thomason.”

Louis finished his reading, to see that the boys faces’ had all been sucked out of colour.

“Children are reported to have gone on picnics...only to go missing?” Niall said weakly. “What’s going to happen to us Hazza?”

He buried his face into Harry’s shoulder.

“Nothing!” Liam shouted before Harry could reply. “Nothing’s going to happen to us, nothing at all. We’re all going to be fine, fine, absolutely fine in this house, soon somebody will find that we’re missing and they’ll get us out. Okay?”

“You seem awfully optimistic about this. Aren’t you usually the sensible one, giving us the solutions?” Zayn gave a questioning look.

“Yes yes yes, but think about it! We’re One Direction. Of course we’re going to be found!”

Liam’s voice was way too high, and he seemed to speak very fast. Zayn raised a suspicious eye brow.

“Wait, Harry, didn’t you say people used to burn newspapers in fires to keep it going?” Louis said.

“Yes Boo bear.” Was his reply.

“So...why is this newspaper from over 300 years ago not burnt and still intact?”

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