The Oak

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The Oak

Sunlight streaming in

Casting shadows all around,

Playing tricks with my mind.

On the ground the shadows stretch,

Criss-crossing on a mosaic

Of fallen oak leaves.

To my right a pool

Of sunlight gathers

In the coolness

Of the shadows

Of the majestic oak.

I’m transported to when

I was a little girl.

Racing my brother up the tall trees

That would create a canopy affect.

Branches low enough 

And close together enough

To climb and race to the top.

I always lost,

Be to afraid to continue up.

I’ve grown braver now,

I climb higher up,

But the top is always reserve 

For my fearless brother,

For my hero.

The shadows 

Bring me back

To a simpler time.

A time when I was

A child,

And everything seemed big.

Now as I grow older

That oak in the backyard

Though it reaches and almost touches the sky

Doesn’t appear as big as it was

When I first started 

To race and climb to the top

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