Mountain Air

349 6 7

Crisp, cold

Mountain air

Burning my lungs

Revitalizing me

Renewing my soul

With every breath

I take in

Gentle rain

Falling down around me

Renewing the Earth

With its arrival

Autumn has

Come again,

A reminder

Of winter's arrival

At its heels

Leaves begin to change

One last burst

Of life

Before winter's kiss

Of death

Freezes the earth

Crisp mountain air

Filling my lungs

Clean, cold, fresh

Air filling my body

With every breath

That I inhale

Leaves gently fall

Twirling and dancing

On the way down

Brilliant colors

Paint the trees

And paint the earth

One last burst

Of life come forth

Winter's death kiss

Not far away

Autumn's arrival

Dazzles the mind

Rain patters against

The window frames

Beckoning me out

To greet autumn's

Beauty and mystery

Cold, crisp

Mountain air

Revitalizing me

Renewing my soul

Every breath I take

Mountain air

Filling my lungs

Calming my soul

The brilliance of autumn

One last blaze

Of life

Before winter's freeze

Kisses the world dead

Crisp, cold

Mountain air

Drawing me in

Brining me back-

Back home to nature

Crisp, cold

Autumn air

Revitalizing, renewing me

Filling my lungs

Calming my soul

Written: 11/1/15

Nature PoetryNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ