Chapter 16

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He pulled the trigger without any pause ten times for ten guards, effectively killing them.

Guns were being fired and shouts were heard all around them.

He recharged the small handgun he had in hand.

Blackhawk agents, SCORPIA guards and SAS soldiers fell down, either killed or injured.

Paying no attention to his bleeding shoulder, he went up the stairs, climbing three steps at a time.

Charging their own guns, the spies shot down their enemies.

He took out every one on his passage.

Alex looked around him and saw that they had outnumbered the enemies.

He didn't notice the assassins sneaking up behind him, until it was too late.

A helicopter with a silver scorpion on it landed not too far away.

The man put a hand on his shoulder and brought the other one holding a knife to his throat in less than a second. "Drop your gun."

The SCORPIA agents took steps back, approaching the chopper, still firing their guns.

He complied after a moment of hesitation.

One of took hold of Ben, holding a gun to his temple.

He kicked the man in his left shin. The man sunk down to his knee and he took advantage of the man's position. While turning around, he took hold of his gun from the floor, knocked out the knife from the man's hand and brought down the butt of his gun to the man's head, knocking the latter unconscious.

Alex couldn't shoot the man for he was using Ben as a human barrier, and even if he managed to get a shot at the assassin, the latter would shoot Ben before dropping dead.

He continued walking in the direction of the main office of the building.

He couldn't do anything but watch as Ben was hovered into the chopper, and what was left of the Scorpions following. With Yassen.

By the time he reached his destination, he was panting from fighting grown men, and he was limping from his right leg being injured.

The door of the other chopper with a silver eye – Blackhawk's logo – on it that had landed during the departure of the SCORPIA agents was now open.

As soon as he opened the door, he found himself facing an empty room.

The criminals went away, leaving Alex and what was left of the SAS soldiers alone.

Alex went through the drawers of the wooden table, but found nothing useful. He turned to the sleeping laptop on the table. Opening it, he quickly hacked it and looked through the folders. One in particular caught his eye. That was it. Ben's location.

Alex didn't know about the surprise that awaited him.

Hope it wasn't too confusing.

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