Chapter 1

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When my vision cleared, I saw that the masked person was going to stab me with his knife. I was waiting while closing my eyes. Nothing happened. When I took my glasses again, he's gone. Then, a woman is heard running outside. And, again, the door was slammed open
"Alex! Are you okay? A thief just broke into the Lab! Did he hurt you?" Said Dr. Roxwell.
"No, I'm okay," Then, I saw some strange change in that room. I quickly started checking all the books and files.
"What's wrong?" Asked Dr. Roxwell.
I was still checking the computer. Then, I realised something.
"It's gone." I said sadly.
"What's gone?"
"The plan. The plan that was used to change the world. He stole it."
"What??!!" How can that happened?"
"I don't know. I was going to be stabbed by his knife, so I closed my eyes." I said.
"You still have the backup plan, right? On your computer?" She asked.
"Yes, I have the backup plan. I used a password on it."
"So it's not stolen?"
"I didn't say that. I afraid, that man is not only a thief. I think he's also a..."
"A what??"
"A hacker. A really genius hacker."

Dr. Roxwell told the whole organisation that both the original plan and the backup plan was stolen. Everyone was in panic. This was all my fault. There is an alarm and a sleeping gas spreader in the Lab. I just have to use it to fight the hacker. I punched my own head.
"Damn it! WHAT NOW??" I said to myself. Then, I walked to my computer. I opened Notes, and starting typing:

Alex Schmitz
C.A.R.C, Brain Department
16 July, day 103

All was lost. The plan was stolen and it was my fault. A man broke into the Lab and attacked me. I didn't stopped him. He stole the original plan and the backup one. Well the only thing to do now is|

I stopped typing. I don't know what to do now. So, I saved my notes first and turned off the computer. When I walked pass the Main Room, I saw that the Council held a meeting because of what happened today. I felt really shamed and walked to the TV. When I turn on the TV, I saw the news. Sand storms in Middle East, a tsunami in China, a massive earthquake is shaking Indonesia, and a very heavy rain storm is heading to London.

After I saw all of that, I turn off the TV and said to myself,
"What's gonna happen next?" []

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