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Zayn Malik always thought that he had the ideal childhood. Everything was perfect for him. He had his loving father, wonderful mother and three beautiful sisters; a loving family, what more could a person ask for?

That all changed on his thirteenth birthday.

His father was found dead in his in-home office. The authorities announced that he had been murdered in cold blood. Who would do such a thing to such a kind and loving man? What more could the person gain other than a guilty conscience?

That was not the only thing that changed. Once Zayn's father passed away, Zayn's mother completely changed. She went from being caring to not caring whether the boy lived or died. This made Zayn very suspicious and he thought for years that she was the one that did his father in. It sounds horrible but that is how he felt; maybe she did not directly do it, but she was definitely involved somehow.

She made him do everything; all of the house chores, breakfast lunch and dinner, take care of her bratty ass daughters (they changed too because they witnessed their mother's dramatic life change so they thought that was the way that they had to act, and their mother never told them that hitting and yelling was wrong, so they continued to do it to Zayn) and a bunch of other things that made Zayn's life a living hell.

Zayn only had one friend, Harry Styles. They were inseparable back when Zayn's father was still walking the earth. When Yaser died, Tricia told Zayn that he was never allowed to see Harry again, along with that he was never ever allowed to leave the house, ever. When Zayn suddenly stopped talking to Harry, this made the curly haired lad very confused. His best friend was ignoring him completely, he didn't know what had happened.

Harry had come to the Malik household many times looking for Zayn and Tricia always told Zayn to hide in his room as she told Harry that Zayn was not home and didn't want to see him. But, Harry kept coming. The last time that he came, Tricia changed things up. That time, she told Zayn that he was to answer the door and tell Harry that he never wanted to him again. She said that if he didn't, bad things would happen to his best friend. Tricia had a lot of "friends" in a lot of places.

Zayn heard the doorbell ring and already was crying. He did as he was told and it was the hardest thing that he had ever had to do.

Now Zayn was 18 and he was close to fucking fed up with all the bullshit.

He needed to get away..

From his evil mother,

his awful siblings,

his depressing life,

and the memory of the two people that actually made his life a happy place.

He not only needed to find a new life, but he needed to find himself. But little did Zayn know, he was going to get some help from a certain blond boy with that...

[A.N.] this idea has been crawling in the back of my mind for a long time and I feel like it will turn out really well :) 

A Ziall fic definitely needs to be done agreed?!  

Please tell me what you guys think ;D

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