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“Where is she?” Harry asked excitedly.

My sister laughed as he shoved past me through the front door. Within seconds he had disappeared into the living room.

“Don’t worry, Honey. I’ve got the bags.” I called after him, shaking my head.

Chloe smiled, tugging me into a hug. Her blonde hair tickled at my cheek as she squeezed.

“Thank you so much for doing this, we really needed a break.” She smiled.

“No problem, sis. Harry was so excited about babysitting he nearly drove off without me this morning.”

She was still giggling as we got the bags in from the doorstep and placed them in the hall. Chloe grabbed my hand and towed me into the living room. My confused gaze met Craig as he laughed. I followed his line of vision to where Harry was laid on the floor. His hands held baby Eve as she sat on his chest trying to poke his dimples.

“Alright, Ted?” Craig spoke.

“Not too bad, you looking forward to having a weekend off?”

“Definitely!” He smiled before his gaze fell on Chloe.

I felt myself cringe slightly, knowing exactly how they would be spending their weekend. My focus travelled back to Harry who was busy making funny faces to amuse the baby sat on top of him. The boys stayed in the living room as my sister took me into the kitchen.

“These are the emergency numbers, the hotel, the doctors and you’ve got both our mobile numbers.”

I nodded along as she continued to talk.

“All Eve’s baby things are in her room, nappies, toys. Food is in the fridge, have whatever you like. If there’s anything else just call us. Have I forgotten something?” She gushed.

Ever since having a baby, my sister’s maternal instincts had gone into overload. Their little girl meant the world to them. And her and Craig were trusting Harry and I to take care of her while they had a much needed weekend away. My sister looked a little flustered as she scanned the room for something else to inform me about. I grabbed hold of her hands.

“Chloe, everything will be fine. Go and enjoy yourself for a couple of days.” I smiled reassuringly.

“You’re right, you’re right.” She repeated.

“Harry and I have got this.” I squeezed her hands.

I ushered her out of the kitchen to where Craig was waiting in the hallway with their bags. Harry stood holding Eve in the living room doorway. One of her small arms round his neck, fingers playing his the curls at the nape. We followed my sister and her husband to the front door.

“Be good for Ted and Haz.” Chloe cooed, lips connecting with her cheek.

Craig kissed the small blonde tuffs on top of his baby girl’s head. She giggled turning away into Harry’s shoulder. We watched them load the bags into the boot before climbing into the front of the car.

“Jammy, wave goodbye to mummy and daddy.” Harry encouraged.

Her small hand copied our gesture as they drove off down the road. Harry had affectionately nicknamed Eve, Jam. It was the result of her face and hands constantly being sticky. She never stayed clean for long. When the vehicle had disappeared we made our way back inside, Harry playing with Eve in the living room as I struggled to take our bags to the guest room.

When I returned to the front room they were sat on the floor. I had only been away for a matter of minutes but there were now toys scattered all over the once tidy carpet.

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2013 ⏰

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