4. Cell Block

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A.N.: Credit goes to AMC where its due. Just adding my own characters storyline. Hope yall enjoy! Comment!!

After Nikki and I were let out of the cell, Rick led us to a group of others where we met Hershel's daughter, Maggie, T-Dog, and Glenn. They were all geared up and ready to go into a new part of the prison. 

"There's walkers all down this side. We need help." Rick said, looking at me and then questioningly to Nikki. "Would it be safe for her to go?" I signed as he talked. 

"Doesn't matter. She's not going." Nikki glared at me, but she knew that this wasn't her strong point. "But I will." 

"Okay, I'll find your weapons. I'll take you to meet my sister, Nikki." I nodded to Maggie as she walked off, Nikki following her. 

"I thought y'all cleared the place?" I asked.

"We found this place last night. Cleared the courtyard this morning." I nodded as Rick explained, and then got up in my face. "Now, listen. You try anything - you're done." His voice was deep, husky. His tone sent shivers down my spine, but  I didn't back down.

"I think if I wanted to try anything, I would have in the car, Mr. Sheriff." I said back, looking down at his uniform. "Plus, if y'all can take down the geeks that were in the fence, I wouldn't stand a chance." I was being honest, I wasn't afraid of them, but I knew they were a force to be reckoned with.

"Damn, right." Daryl said, looking at Maggie as she brought back my knife and gun.

 I kept my gun in my hand as I slid my knife in the back of my jeans. The seven of us headed into the cell block - Rick being the front with Glenn, and Daryl and I guarding the back. So far, there weren't to many, only the occasional roamers that we were able shank with our knives. Soon, there were more and more that seemed to make they're way towards us.

"Shit." I heard Daryl whisper, cocking his crossbow. "Behind you." I turned around, pushing the geek into the wall, stabbing it in the temple. 

"Thanks." I nodded towards him, and he looked forward again. Something got my attention causing me to stop. "Y'all hear that?" I said, referring to the echos of growing coming from the hallway. Rick was a bit ahead of us and when I saw him stepping back, I knew we were fucked. I then saw the hoard that was coming our way.

"Go!" Rick yelled, running our way.

 Glenn and Maggie followed, covering him. T-Dog and Hershel were running in front of Daryl and I. We were turned around, trying to keep them off our asses when we heard a blood curdling scream. I turned around and Hershel's on the ground with a geek attached to his leg. 

"Daryl!" I shouted as I shot the geek. Daryl jerked around and ran towards us immediately.

"Can you handle 'em?" He asked,  looking back at the herd as him and T-Dog tried to pick up Hershel. 

"Yes, Just go!" I kept firing my gun, taking them down one by one. 

I nearly tripped over my own feet trying to run backwards to keep up with the group. T-Dog pulled me in and I watched as the rest of the group pulled Hershel to the middle of the floor. We were still at the door, T-Dog struggle to keep it closed. I pushed against it even though my small body didn't have much resistance. I put my back to the and planted my feet on the ground, looking up to see Rick taking off his belt. Hershel's screams filled the room as Rick tied the belt to his calf. He's surely not gonna do what I think he's gonna do? I thought to myself, feeling a lump in my throat. 

"Alright." Rick said, grabbing his ax that was beside him. "There's only one way to keep him alive." 

He brought the ax down, beginning the split down Hershel's calf. He was passed out by the first hit. Rick repeated this about ten times before the ax had cut through the bone. Once it was done, I heard a slight sigh from Rick, watching him drop the ax and stand up realizing what he had just done. My hand went to my mouth as I ran to the front of the room. Soon, what little I had in my stomach made its way into the floor. 

"He's bleeding out!" Rick said as I turned around to face them. I saw Daryl glare up in my direction, and whisper to those surrounding him.

"Duck." Rick obliged and Daryl jumped up towards me with his crossbow cocked. His eyes looked at me and then shifted to something behind me. I followed his eyes and turned around, noticing a window open. I threw my arm up with my gun in hand as I saw five men clinging on to the screen that separated us. 

"Come on outta there." Daryl rasped. "Slow and steady." The men were in shock at what had just happened; their eyes big as as they looked behind Daryl and I. They began questioning us, and as soon as the word bit came out of Daryl's mouth, one brought out his gun. Glen rushed passed them as they continued their questions as the rest of our group tried to get Hershel settled. Glenn came back with a massive rolling table and speed past us. I wasted no time backing up to help Rick. They placed Hershel on the table as T-Dog and I went towards the door. After the door was open, I lead the group through hearing Rick scream in the move.

"Daryl. DARYL!" He shouted. I couldn't get this heard all on my own. 

"They can show up anytime now!!" I said as a geek headed straight for me. 

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