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Thank you all who have been praying for my family. I'm going to miss my aunt so much. I wrote this poem for her :) God bless you all!



You march

Into the room at Grandma’s

Your husband by your side

A tray of food in your arms


You smile

A small smile when Stevie cracks a joke

But just a small one

And in a voice that rings so much like a mantra,

You say:

“Shuddup, Steve.”

You shine with

Compassion for your parents;

With your love for your husband;

With actions of sacrifice;

And it makes us smile.

To hear that voice again

Would make those smiles worthwhile.


I still can’t believe it

That you’ve passed on.

From a lively, smart, funny woman

To a place in the Heavens;

It doesn’t seem real to me.


I can’t even begin to tell you

How much you mean to me

How the grief of your passing

Will emanate from all of us

For quite some time

It’s all a process of healing.

It’s a simple fact:

Missing you won’t get any easier.

Only Time and God’s Grace will

Make us able to bear it.

I will NEVER forget you.



-R.I.P- Sandy June Blankenship


June 12th, 1968 – May 23rd, 2013


Romans 8:28- “And we know that ALL THINGS work together for good, for those who love The Father and take Him at His word.”

Philippians 4:19- “But my God will supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.”

More Poems! :) *Started Jan. 4th, 2013*Where stories live. Discover now