Agents (4.2)

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"But first I need your help."

Guy shuffled through the clothes in Mariah's wardrobe. "I need an outfit, preferably with sparkles and glitter-something really gay." He turned to wink at Mariah.

"Idiot! You are gay!"

"I know, but I want something to make a statement!" He looked down at his conservative dark trousers and white shirt, then pulled out some plain black leggings. Guy considered them for a second then shook his head.

"Well, what would you prefer? Yellow spandex?"

Guy's eyes brightened. "Ideal! Have you got some?"

Mariah opened a drawer and lifted out a pair of gym shorts. The spandex was sparkly and bright yellow. Guy smiled broadly and raised a questioning eyebrow.

"Don't ask!" said Mariah.

She hunted around and drew out a black teeshirt with a glow-in-the dark Batman symbol on it, and a sleeveless top made of scarlet lycra.

"Your choice," Mariah offered, with a straight face.

"Decisions, decisions," muttered Guy, taking all three garments and shooing Mariah out of the room.

In the end, he decided on the yellow shorts over the black leggings, with the Batman teeshirt on top.

Mariah was torn between dismay and laughter. "You'll be mugged before you take two steps down the street, if you wear that!" she warned.

In answer, Guy pulled his grey jacket on over the top, hiding both the shorts and the Batman logo. The effect was dramatic-now he just looked like an ordinary man with rather thin legs.


Mariah nodded. "That'll do."

Guy changed quickly back into his own clothes and bundled Mariah's garments under one arm.

"Wish me luck!"


John had been keeping the Club under surveillance for a week or so now, waiting for just this opportunity. Usually the man was accompanied by a friend or two but this time he was on his own.

Silently, John slipped out of the car and followed on foot. He was cautious, never losing sight of his target but never getting too close either.

They had travelled barely a block before a gang of three men stepped out of an alley and confronted Guy. John held back, hiding in the shadows, his pulse beating faster as he waited for what would happen.

"Hand over your phone and wallet," demanded one of the men, stretching out a hand.

"Or what?" asked Guy, hands on his hips.

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