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Max's POV-  

"Max, you don't have-" I cut him off before he could finish his sentence.

"Logan, yes I do. There is so much you don't know about me and I think if you did you wouldn't want to know me," I said while closing my eyes.

"Then don't tell me," Logan growled.

"Logan, I can't go on being friends, maybe more, with any of you knowing none of you know who I am," I went on.

"Okay...," Logan said in a defeated voice.

"I had abusive parents, but they're dead now. They all but killed themselves with drugs and alcohol when I was fifteen. I didn't really care, they never really cared for me anyway. My father would beat me repeatedly day after day just 'cause he wanted to, mother did nothing to it she usually was passed out or not there. I had an older brother, Bryan, he protected me as long as he could but he left me too. He killed himself, leaving me in the world alone. I wanted to end my life just so I could away from every fucked up thing in my life, but I never did though that didn't stop me from trying...," I whispered.

Logan growled lowly as I went on, he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me onto his lap. We were sitting on the floor in front of the window because we didn't make it any farther than that.

I continued, "The times I did attempt, my father would always find me and tell me that killing myself was the easy way out of life and would let me follow my brother. If I ever did anything other than the things he wanted the would throw me into a small room with nothing- not food or water -and lock me in there for days. Basically when I was going to die my mother would open the door and forget about me afterwards. There wasn't a phone allowed in the house because who I may call and I didn't go to school. I wasn't allowed because they knew I wouldn't keep my mouth shut and would tell somebody, that was from me never able to keep my mouth shut and fighting back, of course they didn't trust me to keep my mouth shut," I said and then laughed humorlessly at my own story.

"Max, you don't have to go on," Logan said, but I didn't really hear him as I went on.

"I wan't even allowed outside. When the would leave I was always locked away in my room until they got home. Though, when I was fourteen I did manage to get outside, the first time in two years they I smelt the fresh air and the sun on my skin. I twas amazing, but cut too short. I was pulled back into my prison and was beaten scared and locked away in the dame room again. I finally thought this was going to be my end, I was so weak, could barely stand, but my mother opened the door when she was high and looked at me with sadness in her eyes and walked away without saying anything. I crawled out of the room and managed to somehow live on from that."

Everything was so terrible and I hated to say any of this but I knew if I wanted anything to do with Logan he needs to know. It's only fair. 

"Finally when I was fifteen I waited until the middle of the night as I made my way down the stairs. I walked past the living room where they both were. Him always with his liquor and her half on, half off on the couch. They weren't breathing. In that moment I felt immense joy and relief that they were dead. I went over to check their pulses and nothing.  In that moment I knew I was finally free of them. I ran back to my room and threw my few belongings into bag and then went around the house collecting all of their stashed drug money. As I ran back down the stairs I decided I wan't going to let this place live on. I set a fire in different rooms. I bolted from that house and down the street as far as I could before I dropped from exhaustion. I stood on a the corner of the street and watched as the flames started to get bigger and bigger. A weight had been lifted off my shoulders." 

I looked out the window and noticed that the sun was started to set and I knew everyone would be getting home soon and I don't think I was ready for everyone to hear what happened to me.

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