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Max's POV-

I drag myself out of the warmth of my bed and head towards the bathroom. I didn't want to go to school today. I had this feeling that something was going to happen. Not only that, I would have to make up for missed work, too. 

I realized I was running late so I quickly tugged on a shirt and pants. I ran out of of the door while pulling on my jacket and headed towards my bike. I put my helmet on and started to drive away.

Every bump I hit on the road jerked my body making my side hurt more than it already did, but for some reason I had a tendency to heal fast so it shouldn't last. 

For some reason, after the encounter with the wolf I have been feeling different. Not it a bad way either... I hate it.

When I reached school and started to walk in the people still haven't gotten over my presence and are still talking about and staring at me. Of course, all the talk had to be about me nowadays and not nay of the other drama happening within the school walls.

I went to my locker and grabbed what I needed and headed to class. I didn't see Geena or anyone when I got here which surprised me. When I got to class I was the first one there, meaning I wasn't running as late as I thought. I went to the back of the room and waited fro everyone to start showing up.

It wasn't even two minutes later when everyone started to sluggishly walk into class. That included Geena and another guy I haven't seen before. He seemed to freeze up and stop as he looked at me. I froze up, too, but that was because is eyes were the same golden-hazel as the wolf's. he had to be the sexiest guy I have ever seen, too. His height topped mine by at least four inches, maybe more, and is tanned muscles were drool worthy. 

I snapped out of the little trance and stared down at my notebook that I was doodling on. I looked up through my eyelashes to see Geena sitting in the front, but the guy was heading over to me. Great.

He sat down in the seat besides me and leaned back. My stomach was doing flips and making feel sick. What was weirder, I subconsciously wanted to move closer to him. Why? I don't know him, so why was I having these feelings?

The teacher walked in and starts class, but I don't really pay attention. I was too busy with an internal battle with myself at the moment. I feel like I was going crazy. I didn't know what to think, really I couldn't think with this guy next to me.

I sneak a glance at him only because I felt eyes on me, and found him staring intently at me. His eyes held curiosity and... lust...? I had to be seeing things now, there was no way someone could be looking at me like that.

Honestly, I don't know if I could love someone. I bottled up those feeling a long time ago, way before my "parents" died. I shook my head getting rid of any of those painful memories.

The bell rang and I shot up out of my seat and all but ran from the room in seconds. I ran to my locker trying to distract myself, trying not to show weakness. I shouldn't be thinking of any of these things. I lock them all away. My bottled up emotions had to stay that way or else I might lose my mind.

I got to my locker and was about to open it, but I was stopped. I turned my head to see who dared to stop me and smirked. It was the fake from yesterday that tried to throw a punch at me.

"Look at the slut," she spat. I kindly turned around with the fakest smile I could ever wear and stared at her.

"Oh, you must be mistaken. I'm not a mirror;" I fired back.

Embarrassment covered her features and then anger. She stomped her foot and got close to my face. I was trying not to laugh at her failed attempt of intimidating me.

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