Chapter 1

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The sweet smells of the coffee shop assailed my nostrils as I entered. The barista smiled as she recognized me, as I am a frequent regular.

"Well hello again Dan!" The chipper barista said, smiling at me warmly.

"Hey Becky!" I smiled back as I rested my arms on the counter.

"What could I get for you today?" She said, biting her lip and her fingers poised over the cash register.

"Just a cup of coffee please." I said as she wrote down my order and typed something into the cash register.

"That'll be 1£ please." Becky said, and I paid the money and looked around the busy coffee shop for a place to sit down. Eventually I found one next to the window.

"Dan, your coffee's here." I heard Becky say behind me. I nodded a quick thanks before heading off to table I had set my eyes on.

Walking over to the table, I noticed that the shop had gone quiet all of a sudden and all the attention was plastered onto me as I walked down towards the table. I could feel the eyes of the people in the coffee shop boring into my back as I set my cup down and sat in my seat.

The buzz of the coffee shop returned as they noticed I had sat down.

Of all the times I have been here...

That has never happened.

Damn, the killings must have been getting people more paranoid about the others around them.

I sipped my warm cup of coffee.

I have to admit, they are pretty scary.

I sipped again as I grabbed a newspaper that was left on my table and read the first page.


"The killings have been getting worse as time goes on" says Matthew S. Antoro, an eyewitness at these horrifying killings.

The three killed, along with the 12 others, have been identified but kept classified by requests from their families.

Each killed has either had a part of their neck ripped out- I rubbed my neck unconciously and kept reading -or has had two puncture wounds in the main artery in the neck. The unusual way the murderer kills has earned the person the name of 'The Vampire' due to the wounds in the neck. Police are saying to not go outside of your house at night, and

"It's dangerous to go alone. He might get you."

The section I was reading ended and I swapped out the newspaper for my phone, putting the newspaper back down on the table.

The shop suddenly fell silent as the doorbell rung and someone stepped in.

I looked up from my phone to see a person with a black fringe similar to mine heading towards Becky.

"Uh, may I h-help you?" Becky stammered out. The fear was evident in her voice.


This didn't happen when I came in...

I just wonder....

"Yes. I'd like a pumpkin spice latte please." He said, and Becky quickly made the drink and passed it to him, never taking her eyes off of him.

"T-that would be 2£ please." The man quickly payed and grabbed his drink, whispering a quick thanks before turning around to find a table sit at.

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