Samanuel bent down to check for clues as he slipped his phone in his pocket. He saw the earpiece and picked it up, knowing his DNA was already on it. Moments later when John and the team arrived, John pulled Samanuel aside.
"I thought today was your sick day?" He asked. Samanuel frowned, recalling Dark Shadow's words of an infliction of pain upon John's family if he said anything to his partner. "It is my sick day, first one I've ever used. And look where it got me? Back at work. Maybe it's a sign that the place will fall apart without me." Samanuel winked. John slightly smiled and shook his head and looked at the body. He got serious. "Damn, Dark Shadow got the victim good. Can we tell who it is?" Samanuel squinted his eyes as he stared down at the charred body.
"I believe I can, yes. I won't go into details just yet, but he was a male in his early 30s with brown hair and green eyes. He was white, about 220 lbs, and was about 5'10."
John went to ask further about the issue, but Samanuel held up a hand to stop him. "I told you I won't go into details right now out here. Be patient and I promise you that you will get what you want." John slowly nodded, looking at his friend who looked sick. "Hey, don't worry about whatever is worrying you. It'll all work out, I promise. And you have me and my family, too. We can help you with whatever you need. Anything." Samanuel smiled weakly, not telling his friend that he's worried for his friend's safety. "I know. Thank you for being the best friend that I could have." John smiled and gestured to the body. "Now, what are we gonna do about this hot mess?" Samanuel gave him a 'really?' face. John laughed and said, "Sorry, trying to lighten the mood. Let's look at the body, or what's left of it."
"He was wearing an oversized brown trench coat and black trousers." Samanuel abruptly said. "I met with him before it happened. I could've stopped it. Don't argue with me, I know stuff that you don't."
Josh shook his head but kept looking at the body anyways.
"He's changing," John said. After a minute of pause, he continued. "He's changing. Look at his previous murders. He killed them and put them into a coffee can, ground up. Now look at what he's doing. He just burned someone! These past few murders have been of different means: ..."
"There must be a reason why he's changing," Samanuel muttered.
"Maybe someone is making him change?" Samanuel shook his head. "No, I don't think so. I doubt he has a significant other because of all of his time stalking- murdering all of his victims. His significant other would be alone for 99 percent of the time. They would be suspicious of where their boyfriend or husband is, no?"
"Maybe they think he's cheating. It happens all the time. I am only home part of the time, but my wife knows what I'm doing. Maybe his lover knows where he is. Maybe he or she encourages it."
Samanuel thought about it but didn't say anything anything. 'I doubt that he has anyone because of the way he stalks me. It's like he has people watching me at all times. Maybe there is someone in the department..'
He looked at John. "We've got a snitch in the NYPD. Someone works for Dark Shadow."
John looked at Samanuel, flabbergasted. "How do you know that, Sam? You can't just accuse someone of something so vile, even if we don't like them. You know-"
"John," Samanuel interrupted, "trust me. I can't say anything out here right now, but we can go somewhere later and I'll tell you, okay? I promise you'll know. Let's just let the crime scene investigators finish their job. Let's go get your family, okay?" John's eyebrows went together in a worried gesture. "Okay.... Sam, you're scaring me." Samanuel sighed and walked over to John. He wrapped his arms around his partner and gave him a manly hug. He leaned into John's ear and said, "Don't worry, I'll keep you guys safe even if it's the last thing that I do. Let's go get your family and get the fuck out of here." John got extremely nervous, but nodded at his friend as he pulled away from him. John and Samanuel walked to their police cruiser.

When they got to his house, John jumped out of the car and ran up to their house door. It was unlocked. "Fuck." Samanuel muttered under his breath as John pushed the door open and ran in. Samanuel grabbed his gun from his hidden holster and cocked it, ready to shoot if necessary. He ran in behind John quickly and quietly, listening to hear any sign of a struggle or screams. He walked into the front door and looked left and right. Nothing off here. He ran down the hall and into the living room. Nobody was there and toys were strewn on the floor from John's children. All of a sudden, Samanuel heard many screams from upstairs. He took off running for the stairs, where he took 2 at a time until he reached the top. He heard the screams again and ran into the one of the children's bedrooms. He kicked the door in. He saw 4 shocked faces turn to him and a squeal from one of the children. Samanuel was panting, breathless from all of his running. He looked at his partner and his partner's family, relieved to see the kids playing the TV and John embracing his wife. "Are you all okay?"
John looked at Samanuel and sighed in relief. "Yes, they're all fine. A little shaken up from our abrupt entrances, but they're good." Samanuel looked at his partner and said, "We need to talk, now." John nodded his head and the pair left the room, going down to the dining area. John told his wife to stay upstairs and watch the children, and she complied. John and Samanuel sat down at the dining table.
"There is so much I feel like I should tell you, but I'm not sure how to or if I should." John looked at his partner.
"Do it. I'm okay and you are too."
"He threatened me with your family, do you still want to know?" John looked pissed.
"The son of a bitch threatened my wife and kids?" Samanuel nodded solemnly.
"Tell me everything you know," John seethed. And Samanuel did.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2023 ⏰

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