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a/n: this chapter is quite short, sorry guys!

The dinner went well, to keep it brief. Calum had tried his hardest to ensure that it wasn't awkward, and he'd say it worked.

They were now in Calum's car, listening to music while heading to Luke's place. Luke was telling Calum about the time he had seen the band they were listening to, and how amazing it was.

"And right before their last song, they shot out confetti over everyone. It was crazy! Next time they're in town, you definitely have to see them," he proclaimed, grinning when Calum looked away from the road to smile at him. "They're just so good live."

"I think I might," Calum answered, turning back to the road. "Or we should go together."

Luke hummed. "Yeah, maybe." Suddenly, he didn't sound as excited. Rather, he sounded... Unsure.

Calum decided not to push it. "I had a good time tonight," he murmured, turning into Luke's neighbourhood which upset him a bit. He didn't want Luke to leave, not yet. "I honestly thought you would say no."

"Really?" Luke asked, not hiding the surprise in his voice. "Oh. No, um, I had a great time, too. Why did you think I'd say no?"

Calum shrugged, beginning to feel a bit sheepish. "I dunno. I made things awkward between us."

Luke laughed softly, reaching over to place his hand over Calum's. "Well, I'm kinda used to awkward. What I'm not used to is people coming back."

It was now Calum's turn to be surprised. "What do you mean?"

Luke shrugged, biting his lip. "Eh, you know. Doesn't matter. Point is, tonight was nice. I hope we can do it again sometime."

"Yeah, of course." Calum was slightly confused, but pushed that feeling aside. "Maybe do more than just dinner," he suggested, but then realised that his sentence could potentially be interpreted as an innuendo. "I, I mean, doing something fun. Like taking your girls to the aquarium, or something. I just meant something other than a traditional dinner, I swear."

Calum really wasn't sure what response he was expecting, but it definitely wasn't Luke giggling and leaning over to kiss his cheek. "Yeah, the aquarium sounds like fun."

Calum felt his shoulders fall in relief. "Okay, so we should definitely do that sometime."

"Sounds good," Luke agreed.

Shortly afterwards, Calum was parking in front of Luke's house, dreading the goodbye. He wanted to spend the whole night with the blond, listening to music and talking to him about everything and anything. Unfortunately, he knew he couldn't do that, so with an unnoticeable sigh, he exited the car.

The two of them walked along the passageway and up the steps to Luke's house, hands in their pockets. The conversation had died as soon as they had stepped out of the car, and Calum didn't know what to do. Was it okay if he kissed Luke? He had kissed him before, after all, so it couldn't be that bad if he did it again.

So, he decided to do just that.

"I'll see you tomorrow, yeah?" Luke asked, looking hopeful as he turned to face Calum.

"Yeah." Calum nodded, before cupping Luke's face and bringing him in for a kiss.

It was a sweet kiss, longer than the one they had shared in Calum's classroom. Luke wrapped his arms around Calum's waist, lazily kissing him back as he leaned against the brunet. Calum let go of Luke's face to rest his arms on Luke's shoulders instead, enjoying the feeling of their lips brushing together softly. Calum couldn't recall the last time someone had kissed him so sweetly, and when Luke pulled away slowly, he found himself missing it.

"It's getting late," Luke murmured, pressing a final kiss to Calum's lips before completely detaching himself from the brunet. "Goodnight, Calum."

"Goodnight, Lukey," Calum answered, watching as Luke gave him a smile and entered his house. He heard squeals from the other side of the door and shook his head, smiling softly to himself, as he made his way to his car.

He was so excited for whatever the future held for the two of them.

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