Chapter 1

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My breathing was irregular, and the familiar excruciating pain laid within my chest as I ran through the halls. Hearing his footsteps chasing after mine in the long corridors, hearing his deep laugh ring throughout my head. Quickly, I bolted and dashed around seeking a way out the hell known as King Emaeseus' home. In a hushed voice he whispered my name, low but loud enough to echo around to large palace. It sent chills down my spine,igniting every nerve. I knew he was getting closer, with each step I took, he took five. My mind was rambling, looking for a way out but I was too slow. For when I turned the corner, he caught me in his grasp.
"Miss me?" He smiled cruelly, his words lined with venom. His nails, like daggers in my skin. "How long did you think I'd stay away?" He laughed deeply. "Stop!" I yelled trying to fight him off, my small fist not helping. "Help!"
"Goodbye now Genevieve" he said as I screamed. He cocked his arm back ready to pierce my thick skin with the jagged, rusted knife.

"No!" I yelled waking from my monstrous slumber. Beads of sweat forming on my forehead.
Just a dream Genie, just a dream I reminded myself as I came to. This is a nightmare I have been having since, 2083. Very sad if you ask me, to have a nightmare for 3 years? How tragic I told myself.
It wasn't always this way. Hence the war, we have had to adapt.
In 2016, the world broke out into yet another war, world war III. The world was in a bicker over money, the economy was failing and our banking system had collapsed. Fortunately, we had a back up fund, called the trust fund. Unfortunately, we could not compromise with one another. China began to complain and send out commands, setting off a hard and demanding tone to the Americas which they didn't like. So, they answered back more brutally, along with a nuclear bomb. It was intended to land it one of China's most sacred and political areas to stop all attempts at rebellion. When America thought they had the upper hand, Iraq had joined sparking fire to an old fuse. All countries, continents and islands were at war, but The UK sat back and watched, waiting for vulnerability.
And its just what the got. After America thought they pulled away with the win, the United Kingdom swept in tearing America to shreds and taking hold to all other countries and their money. Creating the ultimate dictatorship.
During this deadly eviction of power, the royal family was slaughtered, leaving another war fought between civilians to see who took their family into wealth and power over the world.
The world's greatest warriors came from places far and wide to participate. It was a man named James Emaeseus and his father Quincy Gilinsky who won the gruesome war. They inherited the billions and the world. Everyone had to bow down to their family. The part where I come in is when my grandmother was stripped from our family when the King laid eyes on her. He was captivated by her beauty, and mesmerized by her innocence and kind heart. My grandmother wanted a stable living for us, so because the king was head over heels for my darling grandmother he granted her every wish. As a result, he proclaimed us as royalty, not nearly as royal as him but stage two royalty. Stage one is where the king and his family rest. Stage three is regulars, stage four is peasants and beggars. You can say we are pretty wealthy, but only on account of my great grandmother. To get to the point, the was a night when I was fifteen, I thought if I went to the royal palace I could understand my grandmothers pain, so I went there. I knew I was breaking so many sacred and execution-able laws. When I decided to go back I was caught, by a boy older than me who I had encountered before. That's when it happened, that's when the scar I bare today on my lower stomach was created. I ran my finger tips over the now healed injury, the engravement from the knife on my uneven skin.
"Genevieve Marie Logan! I have been calling you for the last ten minutes. Now get yourself cleaned and presentable. You have rehearsals" my mother ordered, pulling me from my state of trans. I sighed deeply as I threw the silk covers off my body, and stood up. Stretching and yawning, "What rehearsals mother?" I asked as I went to the bathroom and washed my face.
"As you know, Prince Jack's birthday is in a few weeks and you among a wide spread variety of girls are competing for his hand in marriage. "What?" I gasped. This is not happening. "I am not going to compete to marry some guy I don't know at all. "What for, I have all the things I wish for already, being married to someone as arrogant as the prince is not on my list mother" I said, anger in my voice. "Don't disrespect him in that way, any girl would be happy to be able to even get a chance at love with him. Be great full" she said in a stern voice. I had absolutely no say in this. I scoffed as Sophia rushed in with her head down. Sophia was the a servant my mother had for me since I was a child. Sophia is in her early thirties, very sweet lady. Unlike most servants and maids, Sophia has a husband. They live in one of the houses we own up the street. She was mothers and my favorite servant. I told her all my secrets, wishes, fantasies, crushes, and she listened , she gave me advice and told me stories of her first loves. I admired her for that. Being in stage two, I never had real friends. It was always for the glory and glamour my life brought. This was all unwanted though, I want to live a normal life on a farm. My own animals, my kids running around, a husband. I had my whole life planned out. "Hey honey, how are you?" Sophia smiled, I smiled back and gave her a hug. "I've been good, you?" I asked. "Wonderful, I hear you are going to the Prince's ball in a few weeks" she said wiggling her eyebrows, whilst fitting the corset based dress on my body. "I myself am not very pleased by it, I mean I don't want to marry him" I said "Well if it makes you feel any better, there will be hundreds of women there so you can hide" she chuckled as did I. "Well that makes everything better" I laughed, as she tightened the corset area of my dress. I loved talking to her, I could be myself honestly. "As you know of course, your mother is going to want you to be around him as much as you can, but she only wants what's best for you" she said, making our conversation much more serious. "I know, I just hate not having any say in this. I always dreamt of my own farmhouse with kids and a loving husband" I said as she finished my dress. I turned to her, her eyes filled with sympathy. "I know honey, but the world isn't how it used to be. Unfortunately, women are once again seen as objects to many. Finding someone who truly loves you is rare, but that doesn't mean it isn't out there" she said as she pinned my hair up. "Besides -don't take any offense to this- I don't think he will chose you. If there is anyway to say that without offense, but what I mean is, he will most likely turn his attention to girls throwing themselves at him, my girl is nothing like that" she winked. I laughed and slipped on the shoes she gave me. "You're supposed to be wearing heels, but I won't say anything" she whispered. I smiled at her and walked down to the kitchen. "Morning beauty" my father smiled, "Morning father" I smiled back giving him a tight hug. "You look lovely today" he started "I hear you have rehearsals, I know you might not want this but please try your best. For your mothers sake. I don't want this for you either but your mother wants the best for you" he assured me. I nodded and began eating the breakfast set out for me. My mother came down shortly, my brother Anthony trailing behind her. Me and him were the only children, he was the oldest. "Morning runt" he teased attempting to ruffle my hair but was swatted by my mother. "You will not ruin your sisters day. She has rehearsals Anthony. Be respectful" my mother said seriously. My father gave my mother a kiss on the cheek and a warm hug. My mother was Dominican and my father was black. I was considered a mut but because of our social status it spoken of.
"Well come on now Genevieve, its time for rehearsals" my mother said as I dragged behind her.

This story is wayy longer than my other ones and more complex bc I want to have a serious story. I hope its good so far love you guys
So yeah byeee

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