Chapter 9

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Night time is dead quiet where we live. Theres no cars on our street, and usually only two come down it per night. So there's no lights flashing into the windows. 

We can still hear somethings, like if theres a dog or a cat wanting to get into its owners house. Its so quiet, that in the summer time, I can sometimes hear Mr Fergus snoring, and he lives on the other side of the street! But thats why I can hear George mumbling in his sleep in the room next to me. 

Every so often he'll turn over in his bed and shut up. But then he'll start mumbling again. He does it frequently, and it drives me nuts. Because he doesn't do it just once. He'll do it for several minutes, stop for maybe ten, and just when you're about to fall asleep again, he'll start up again. I think for a brief minute about sitting with George on his bed the other day (how he got all tense when I leaned on him just cracked me up), and then I think of John. 

But then I quickly have to abort from that and force myself to think about George again. I am not going to think about John. Not today at least. Not after what he did to me today.


"Are you meeting John after school today again? Nicole asked as I placed my books in my locker.

"I think so, usually he's outside." I said. She leaned on the locker beside mine.

"Do you like him?" she asked with a smile. I paused and gave her a glance. "Do you?" she persisted.

"I dunno." I said with a sigh. "I don't really think I'm his type."

"Root!" she exclaimed in annoyance. "Root, all of us have had boyfriends except you!"

"So?!" I said with a bit of anger.

"Ruth, you're the prettiest girl I know." she said sweetly,

"Nicole, please don't give me that shit." she ignored me.

"If ye ask me, I think all the boys were to scared to come up to ya. Probably cause of George." she said. I closed my locker and sighed. "Look Root, this is the first time you've ever liked a guy that George approves of! George would've done something now if he didn't like it!"

"He has. He's pulling a classic George move and making me choose." I said slowly walking down the hall with her.

"Whaddya mean?"

"He's making me pick either him or John." she gasped.

"Root! Thats like something out of a romance novel!"

"Nicole!" I exclaimed with annoyance.

"Sorry." she said. "Do ye know who I think you should pick?" she asked.

"No. Because I know what you'll say. You'll say George, just like everyone else."

"Fine. But don't leave 'em hangin luv! They're not gonna wait forever!" she said. We reached the front door and came onto the steps. I looked around for John as I came down them, but he was nowhere in sight.

"Maybe he's ill." Nicole suggested.

"Probably, he was drinkin last night." I said. John had told me yesterday afternoon he was planning to go out on the town and get hammered. God knows why. It was a Wednesday after all. 

"Well, I'll see you later then!" she said. I gave her a little wave, and we went in the opposite directions. I went towards the bus, and she towards the nice posh houses several blocks over. 

Luckily, today it wasn't raining, but the sky was a dark shade of grey, which probably meant it was going to rain. I'm not one of those people that likes the rain, and I planned to move some place that never poured buckets. Of course that would have to mean getting a good job, or marrying rich. Neither of which I was probably ever going to get.

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