Chapter 8

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A/N- Sorry this chapter is so short! I'm hoping that the next will be longer and dramatic! Please review! And also I have to apoligize for any spelling errors or historical innacuracues so far! Thanks for reading! -Trudy

"George! George wait!" I called from the bus steps. George was already halfway down the street, and was ignoring me. I jumped off the bus and dashed down the street after him. I was in my clunky school shoes, and had my school books in my arms, which meant I couldn't move as quickly as I'd like to. I suddenly felt a pain of guilt wash over me, and yelled out his name again because of it. He just kept on walking. I shifted my books under my arm, and managed to pick up the speed a bit. I was just about to grab Georges arm, when I tripped on my feet and went sprawling on the ground. My books went all over the sidewalk, and bloody hell, so was I. George briefly looked over his shoulder, glared at me for a minute, before turning around and picking up my books. I stood up and looked at him. 

"Now George, wait a minute, just listen for a sec…" I said as he pushed them out in front of me. His eyes met mine, and the anger in his eyes was unbearable. I couldn't continue my sentence. His eyes just dug this hole into me that made me feel like a piece of shit. I felt awful, and I almost wanted to cry. "George don't get angry." I whispered. My voice shakes a bit at the end as I said this. He didn't do anything. Just handed me the books, looked at me angrily, and stormed off, leaving me standing on the sidewalk alone.

Later that night, I silently cried into my pillow with the fear that I had lost my best friend. In the room beside me, George strummed his guitar so hard, that with a twang, a string broke off his guitar. By the sounds of it, he hurt himself by it as well, because all I could hear was him cursing. He stomped angrily around his room, slamming drawers, and throwing thongs around. The usual quiet George night time noises were suddenly loud, and destructive. AFter all this slamming around, I could hear the sound of him flopping on his bed. Our beds were both up against the same wall, and since the walls were so thin, I could hear him say 

"Fuck Ruth anyway." which started me on a fresh round of tears and silent sobs. 

1 month later

"Heads or tails." John asked. He waved a shiny coin in my face.

"Yer really not that bored are ya?" I asked with a smile.

"I am, I hate bus rides out to yer end of town." he said. "So heads or tails." 

"Um, tails."

"Tails for the little lady." he said. He flipped the coin, and placed it on the back of his palm. "Alright. What's the prize then." he asked.

"I dunno, your game."

"Snobby today are we?" 

"Oh shut up you!" I exclaimed poking him. "You didn't have to sit with me." 

"Aye, but then I'd be lonely." he said. "Erm, how about whoever looses has to sing."

"Jeez, I hope I win then." I said with a laugh. 

"Well ye did. What should I sing?" he asked.

"Wait, yer singin here?!"

"Course!" he exclaimed. I giggled. 

"No John please!" he ignored me and started to sing 'Johnny B Goode'. Luckily I covered his mouth before he got very far in, and we collapsed into fits of giggles in the seats. 

John had been walking be home from the school almost every day for the past month. He'd walk me to the bus stop, and then sit on the bus with me, before he'd go to Paul's or something. John and I had become very good friends. I found it easy to talk to him, and had told him some things that I hadn't even told George before. I hadn't told Mum that I was hanging around with him, because I'm sure she would disapprove of me hanging around a 19 year old teddy boy. John and I walked around to places together, we went and saw one of Elvis's films together, we went to a gig at The Cavern Club together, John just took me where ever he went. He had told me that it made him look good that he had a non teddy girl with him. I figured that was Johns way of telling me he liked my company. But hell, I could be wrong. 

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