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a/n: i wrote this back in july 2015 but i never realised that they didn't get posted. i'm sorry & 3 years later, here's the continuation you didn't need but are still getting tbh.

dear daniel,

reason seven.

i love your love.

i haven't written to you in a year. i couldn't. everytime i thought of you and your girlfriend, my heart would break into a little pieces. but i know you're happy, and i know she's the happiest.

you're a giver. if there's one thing you do, you give. you love everyone with all your heart and they have no choice but to love you back.

i know you love her.

please, some day, love yourself too.

who could never be

she walked away, slowly, surely, keeping her head down as she noticed him walk up to his locker. she saw him open her letter, nostrils flared, and throw it into the trash as he walked away.

for the first time in a long, long time, she smiled.

ten reasons why // daniel sharmanWhere stories live. Discover now