Chapter 1

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I didn't expect to find my mate. Because finding your mate on your 16th birthday isn't very common. But what is common is having séx the first time you meet them. And Daxton and I being careless teens, used no protection.

Then the fact that not even a month after we mated he left me. Yup, not the most perfect day. Especially, since that was the day I planned on telling him the news. It sorta went like this.

I came into the pack house, just coming back from my fifth doctors appointment. Today I had my ultrasound, and me being the excited girl told Daxton this morning I had a surprise for him.

But when I stepped into the house, I didn't expect what I saw.

Three bags were there, with all my stuff inside. I has asked what was happening. But all he told me was that he didn't want a mate. That he knew other Alpha's would try to take over his pack and use me against him.

I thought this was stupid and told him how this is just a phase he's going through. But no. He handed me a plane ticket and a wad of cash.

I asked the real reason. And what broke my heart was that he was interested in another girl. That by werewolf law, he lad to "get rid" of me in order to mate with another.

He never officially rejected me that day, because I did it for him.

I'll never forget the words I spoke to him. The only thing that was running through my mind was: He hurt me, so I'm gonna hurt him back. He wants someone else, then I'll find someone else. And then I said, "I, Ella Walts, reject you, Daxton Michaels."

He had fallen to the floor, holding his heart, scratching at his chest. He asked- no begged, for me to get rid of his pain. I then replied, "Now you know how my heart feels."

That day, when I was on the plane, to Goddess knows where. I wrote a calm letter to him.

Dear Daxton,
I'm not going to be mad at you and want revenge, because I'm not childish. But I am going to tell you now that our baby will never see the likes of you in his or her life. I'll be going to an Elder to get this signed off, and I thought you might as well know. You're a father. Today was going to be the big reveal day, but luckily you broke it off before our baby could ever know about you. I shouldn't even be calling the baby
our's, because him or her are mine now, not yours anymore. I hope you and this new girl have a nice life and I hope everything turns out okay for you. But please don't contact me, or find me, because it's a waste of time. I'm heading out of the country, far away from you with my baby. And do me a favor, confess to my family what you have done. I don't wish for them to hate me for no reason. I want them to know your true colors.
From, Ella

I felt this was the perfect way to tell him.

I went up to the flight attendant, telling her to give this to him. She gave me a questioning look, but I assured her it was for the best to deliver this.

And that was that. Now, five years later. I am engaged to my loving fiance, Ryan, I have a perfect daughter and son that I love dearly, and my dream job.

When Reagan was born, my whole world took a turn. She had most of my features, which is a true blessing. And luckily when I met Ryan, he wanted a child. But seeing how he's... older, most women didn't go for him. I don't see how they couldn't. He's funny, a charmer, hot, and wealthy. Not that I need the money.

Ryan was a famous singer when he was younger, but now is a loving father to our daughter Reagan and son, Garrett.

Yes, Ryan maybe 1435 years old in human years, but he's only 53 in vampire years. Ryan maybe a vampire and I a werewolf, but our love is something endless. Just like his lifespan.

After Reagan was born, Daxton was but a memory. Then when having Garrett, I felt my life was perfect. I always felt Ryan should have been my true mate, but instead he sadly isn't. The moon goddess has never mated a vampire and werewolf together ever, so why would I think she would change for some random she-wolf like me.

Ryan is a wonderful father, I couldn't ask for someone better.

Now, I know what you're thinking. Is Garrett a hybrid? And the answer is no. He is a vampire. It came down to dominant and submissive genes. Vampire genetics are much more stronger than werewolf. Even though we're equally tied when it comes to battles. We werewolves have no match between the battle of DNA.

And on our wedding day, Ryan and I have discuss that we'll be having a vampire ceremony. After we say our vows and kiss, he'll tilt my neck and bite down, marking me as his and beginning the process of changing me into a vampire.

We also plan on him changing Reagan, so we can be a happy family of vampires.

The wedding is in two weeks exactly. And I couldn't be more excited.

I heard a knock at the door, and Ryan opening it, greeting the person.

I continued doing the dishes, keeping an eye on Reagan and Garrett. Reagan was watching TV, and Garrett was in his play pen, playing with his blocks.

"Ella, honey! Please come to the door, someone is here for you," Ryan calls me over.

Turning off the water, and drying my hands off with a towel. I head over to him. And there I see, my old pack's elder, Elder Julie.

I look at her for a moment and notice how out of place she looks. She almost seems like she's uncomfortable to even be here. "Elder Julie, what brings you here?" I bluntly ask.

She straightens up her posture, "I am here to inform you that you have to come back to the Black Moon Pack. Alpha Daxton has requested it. And since you are still his mate, it's by law-"

I interrupt her, "What do you mean by 'still his mate'? I rejected that bástard. And isn't he mated with another?"

I wanted to ask more, but I held my tongue.

"Miss Walts, you may have rejected him, but Alpha Daxton never accepted your rejection."

In that instant moment, I felt like punching a wall or kill someone. My mind was racing in anger.

Now he wants me?! After he told me to leave and basically that he never loved me? After all he's done, he expects me to come back and be with him? What a joke.

"And what if I don't want to go?"

"Then he has the right to overrule your wedding and wed you by force," she shrugs like if nothing.

I turn to Ryan, "What do we do, Ryan? I don't wanna be with him, I wanna be with you."

He gives me kind eyes, "Simple, we're going to your old pack, where he will accept your rejection. And if he doesn't, then I have other methods of making someone do as I say."

I seriously don't think this book will do good, but I'm having writers block for my other books. And this is just something to pass the time.

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