Chapter 14

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Harry has successfully kept the pregnancy a secret for ten weeks. It is so hard to keep the fact he is pregnant with twins inside. He just wants to tell Louis and his family, everyone. He has almost slipped up a bunch of times: why he wasn't drinking alcohol and switched to only caffeine-free tea. Why his diet has changed. When Louis talked about his sisters and vacations. It is hard to hide the growing symptoms from Louis. Harry's chest is tender and he is gaining weight. He had to buy a whole new wardrobe, not that that was suspicious as Harry loved fashion.

Harry can see snow falling down outside the bedroom window. The curtains are pulled back and some light is coming in. "Babe, Baby," Harry whispers against Louis' ear and smiles, kissing the edge of Louis' jaw. "It's snowing," Harry smiles. It is the first time it has snowed all December.

Harry is so excited for today, Louis' birthday. He has planned for this day, the day he is going to tell Louis about their babies. Harry rests his head back on the pillow and admires Louis, running a hand through his soft feathery hair. Louis groans and slowly flutters open his eyes, rubbing the sleep out of them.

"Happy birthday," Harry smiles and rolls on top of Louis, straddling him and leaning down to kiss him a few times on the lips. "I love you.".

Louis smiles. "I love you too," he says and puts his hands on Harry's hips, trailing his hands up Harry's sides, kissing him again.

As the kiss gets heated Harry pulls away. "Wait, Wait," he pants and gets off of Louis, going over to the closet and finding where he has hidden the present he had wrapped for Louis. Harry walks back over to Louis, who is now sitting up.

"Here, open it," Harry smiles, handing Louis a bag with things wrapped with colourful tissue inside. He has a fond expression on his face as Louis looks at the bag and starts to open it, pulling out the contents. Louis carefully unwraps it, revealing two sets of black baby vans shoes and two onesies that say 'sometimes when you pray for a miracle' and 'god gives you two. Tomlinson twins due to arrive July 2020'. Harry lays a few sonograms down on the bed to show Louis the progression of the pregnancy.

"What? You're — you're pregnant?" He pulls Harry close. "With twins?" Louis asks, shocked, as Harry nods. Louis leans in and kisses Harry passionately, sliding his hands to Harry's tummy and thumbing softly over it.

"I'm going to be a dad, we're going to be dads," Louis says happily and excitedly.


The next day, Louis and Harry's family gathers at their house to celebrate Christmas. They are all sitting in the living room, everyone just finishing opening up their presents. Everyone loves the new addition of Clifford, giving him lots of attention.

"Okay everyone!" Louis says loudly, Harry standing beside him and not even flinching — he is used to how loud Louis can be by now. "Listen up! Harry and I have some important news."

Harry looks back at him and smiles, looking back to all of their family. "I'm pregnant, with twins." Harry says proudly. Their resounding squeals of joy echo around the room. Harry gets squeezed in a tight hug from his mum and Gemma. Their family congratulates him and Louis.

This is just the beginning of their family with their little miracles.

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