Chapter 13

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"Which ones? Which ones?" Harry whispers to himself as he stands in the store aisle, looking over all the different types of pregnancy tests. An older lady who worked at the store had already came over and tried to help Harry, thinking he was buying it for his girlfriend.

He decided against the cheaper discount pregnancy tests. He knew those tests were really unreliable. He picks up some digital and non-digital pregnancy test sticks, getting five in total. He wants to be sure that the results are the same. They're all going to be negative anyway. He buys them and goes to his car, shaking nervously the whole ride home.

After he takes all of the tests, he lays them out on the bathroom counter. He puts some of them face down, setting a timer on his phone. He paces back and forth in the tiny bathroom, not looking at the tests. It only takes five minutes before the alarm on Harry's phone goes off, signalling that the results are ready.

Harry takes a deep breath. His stomach has butterflies. He tries to calm down. His hopes are high and he tries to tell himself that this isn't it. He isn't pregnant. He can't be. He has to be realistic. They had tried for so long. It is impossible that Harry would get pregnant right when they stop trying for a baby.

Harry's hands shake as he picks one up, letting out a deep sigh as he looks at the digital screen.


Harry's nose stings and his eyes fill with tears. It can't be. It must be a false test. Harry bites down on his bottom lip to keep the tears in and picks up the second digital test.


What? This can't be. Harry desperately wants to believe it but he just can't. These digital tests must be faulty in some way. He sets them aside quickly and flips over the other 3 non-digital tests, looking down at them.




Harry lets out a sob, tears starting to stream down his face. He picks a few of the tests up. His blurry eyes carefully look at the lines for a few minutes to make sure he isn't seeing things. They are all positive. They can't all be faulty tests, can they? Harry can't believe it. He just can't. He takes pictures of the tests with his phone, to keep this memory and to show his doctor tomorrow.

Harry keeps them in the bathroom drawer, hiding them underneath a few things. He has to sit down. He turns to the tub and sits on the edge, still crying.

"I'm pregnant. I'm pregnant. I might be pregnant," Harry smiles and places a hand on his belly. He feels so happy, like he is on cloud nine. He just wants to tell everyone, especially his mum and Louis. He'll go to the doctor and confirm it soon.


Harry is currently waiting in an exam room at the doctor's office. "Hi, Mr.Tomlinson, what can I do for you today?" the doctor asks as he walks into the room.

"I-I think I might be pregnant. I took a few tests and they were all positive," Harry explained. He can see the surprise on the doctor's face.

"Alright, I'd like for you to take a urine test and if that's positive we will do an ultrasound," the doctor tells him and hands him a specimen cup, telling him there is a bathroom down the hall.

Once Harry has his urine in the cup, he puts the lid on it and gives it to a nurse, washing his hands afterwards. Harry continues to wait in the exam room for the results. It takes about 15 minutes before the doctor comes back into the room.

"The results of the urine test are positive. I'm going to give you an ultrasound now just to confirm everything's okay, since you are a high-risk pregnancy," the doctor says. Harry nods. It all feels real now, like he really is pregnant. He is so happy, but he is nervous if the baby is alright.

The doctor gets the ultrasound all set up and Harry pulls up his shirt slightly. "This will be a little cold," the doctor says before putting some gel on Harry's tummy and moving the ultrasound wand around Harry's lower belly. Harry watches the doctor's face anxiously.

"Well I can see two healthy, growing babies." The doctor smiles and prints out a sonogram for Harry before wiping the gel off of his stomach.

"What did you say? Twins?" Harry asks, shocked, as he pulls his shirt down and gets off the exam table.

"Twins." The doctor confirms and nods. "Congratulations." He hands him the sonogram, telling Harry to book another appointment on the way out for another checkup in a few weeks.

Harry just sits in his car and looks at the sonogram, a hand on his belly. "Hi babies, I'm your daddy," he says softly to his tummy. He is so happy, he cries a few happy tears.

Harry shakily gets his phone out of his pocket, his finger hovering over Louis' contact when he gets an idea. He could make it a surprise and tell Louis on his birthday. Then, the babies would grow more and he knows there'd be less of a chance of losing them.

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