Goku x Reader

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You and Goku had been friends since you were twelve. You lived in the same forest and often went out hunting together and he even taught you martial arts! You had suddenly stopped seeing him once he encountered a blue haired girl. You slowly forgot about him until you turned 21.

  You were out shopping in a grocery store and you spotted a tall muscular man with the same hair as your old friend and was holding a child in his arms. He was next to a woman who had her hair up in a tight bun, pushing a cart full to the brim with food.

Out of curiousity, you approached him. "Goku-san...?" You asked slowly. The man turned around and his eyes widened when he saw you.
"Y/N?!" He asked excitedly. He put down the child and quickly pulled you into a tight bear hug, lifting you off the ground. "I haven't seen you in forever!" He had a wide grin and laughed. You laughed with him, hugging him back.

He eventually put you down and attacked you with a bunch of questions, asking what happened to you ever since they seperated. His life had been way more exciting than yours. You had been talking with him for so long that you barely the lady and child leave to continue shopping.

As you talked, you noticed that your feelings for him had sprouted back. When you were a kid, you had a huge crush on him. Sadly, he had already explained to you that he was married and had a child.

You talked until Goku's wife and child came back and told him they were leaving. "Aw...Well, I'll see you another time, Y/N-chan! Oh, wait! How about you come with me to this party my sensei is having?" Goku asked cheerfully. "Of course I'll go!" You grinned excitedly and after giving your goodbyes, you left the store.

~ Time skip ~

You sat in a pink house called the Kame house surrounded by strangers. There was a small bald person named Krillin and the same blue haired girl that you saw Goku leave with. There was also a short man with a long white beard. You were sure that he was staring at your chest the entire time.

During the party, you talked and joked around with Goku. Bulma pulled out a case of beers. "Anyone want a drink?" Bulma said, grinning. Goku, who didn't know what alcohol, quickly reached over and grabbed a can. "Oh, me! I really need something to drink!" He spoke ever so innocently before chugging down the drink. He had quickly been buzzed by it.

That was the day you realized how bad of a drunk Goku was. He had been obnoxiously loud and rubbed himself all over you, throwing flirts at you.

"You know, I never noticed how...attractive you were~" Goku purred, his eyes half lidded and a mischevious smirk on his face. Your face turned a deep red and you quickly looked away from the seductive look he was giving you. "Oh, s-shut up, Goku-san!" You said, embarrased.

Goku ended up pouncing on top of you, covering your face and neck in kisses.
"Get a room, you two!" Bulma said as she laughed. Goku, too drunk to realize she was sarcastic, picked you up bridal style and carried you to the guest room upstairs.
"G-Goku-san?..." You looked up at him, slightly worried.
"Shh..." He said with a slight slur. "We're gonna have some fun." By the seductive tone in his voice, you could tell this wasn't the "board games and playgrounds" fun.
"B-but-!" You were about to speak before being cut off as Goku pushed you onto the bed and climbed on top of you.
"There's nothing to worry about, Y/N-chan." He gave a soft reassuring smile. He dug in the pockets of his gi and pulled out a condom. "See? No worries!"'

What happened in that room later on has never been spoken about again because if you did, you would've been given a one-way ticket to Kami from Chi-Chi.

Authors notes: nyeh heh heh!~ Hope you fangirls enjoyed! Tell me if you want anymore and what character to do!

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